Ban #4736 - LiteBans

Ban #4736

ReasonReached 6 warnings: - Warned by Spookz03: 'Xray in Nether and Mining World'
- Warned by Spookz03: 'Xray in Nether and Mining World'
- Warned by Spookz03: 'Xray in Nether and Mining World'
- Warned by Spookz03: 'Xray in Nether and Mining World'
- Warned by Spookz03: 'Xray in Nether and Mining World'
- Warned by Spookz03: 'Xray in Nether and Mining World'
DateNovember 21, 2020, 20:46
ExpiresNovember 24, 2020, 20:46 (Unbanned by __Steven)
Server Scope*
Origin ServerDifferentCraft