Ban #897 - LiteBans

Ban #897

ReasonReached 7 warnings:
- Warned by Mattgordon24: 'Scamming'
- Warned by Mattgordon24: 'Auc spam'
- Warned by Mattgordon24: 'Auc abusing'
- Warned by Mattgordon24: 'Auc abusing'
- Warned by Mattgordon24: 'Renaming and auctioning pistons as vote crates'
- Warned by Mattgordon24: 'Scamming, auc abuse, staff disrespect, and breaking many rules requesting longer ban'
DateJuly 28, 2017, 06:28
ExpiresJuly 30, 2017, 06:28 (Unbanned by _Malynn)
Server Scope*
Origin Server-