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Hi! I'm GhostsGB

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself!' started by GhostsGB, Jan 5, 2018.

  1. GhostsGB

    GhostsGB New Member

    Jan 5, 2018
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    Hello! I'm GhostsGB!

    I'm also an artist called GlowingLoudly on DeviantArt, don't care if you go and look, its kinda bad art anyway :p

    I turned 16 last June and my hobbies include art (wow what a surprise), being a dork extraordinaire, and just living life to the fullest.

    I also like puns and witty banter and I'll say I'm the evilest person on the server, but that's because I'm secretly a super fuzz-ball on the inside. :p

    I have too much ambition and not enough skill and have a bad habit for making the wrong people angry at me when I'm just trying to be funny. I also like to make people laugh because it makes me happy when they're happy.

    If you read this, good for you I'm happy for you but if you don't like what you found...sorry....not sorry :D

    Have a good day ^-^
    Hajo2012 likes this.

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