~-~-~-~-~-~ What is your IGN? Blazingwither22 Tell us your in game name and nickname. Make sure it is typed correctly for verification. Have you had any name changes? None If you have please list them here. What timezone do you live in? USA EST This is important when we’re planning staff meetings. Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why? I was warned for spam a long time ago and for town raid almost a year ago. I also did a stupid thing and took a few things from a town member who had been inactive. We’re looking for honesty and whether you’ve changed, not a reason to deny you. Why do you feel you belong in this staff position? I am on a lot and always am willing to help another player if I can. Tell us in a paragraph why you would be suitable to this position, and why we should offer you an interview. How old are you? 39 Do you meet the age requirement? Tell us about yourself! I am a single mom to a 15 year old son who also plays on he server. I’m active in my church and the youth group. I love crafting and volunteering. Include anything you want us to know about you outside of Minecraft.
Thanks for taking the time to apply! At this point in time we will not be offering you an interview. If you would like more information regarding your application feel free to contact me privately. Denied. Thread Locked.