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Why a map reset would be best.

Discussion in 'General Discussion!' started by LoneWanderer102, Jun 9, 2018.

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  1. LoneWanderer102

    LoneWanderer102 New Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    There are many things that come with resetting a map on a server such as DifferentCraft. Some good, some bad.

    When I first started this server in 2014, the map was about 6-8 months old. The world had no boarder, so players could expand as much as they wanted. This gave the map something great, but it got old. When the server resetted it's map in 2015 there was some backlash and there were some people who didn't transition well, but after a week or 2, I saw something great. I saw people come back, I saw them on for hours and hours, grinding, building, exploring. It was for the best. We all lost a lot of stuff, stuff we paid IRL money for. Our McMMO was reset, our balances were wiped, our homes forgotten. But as we grew, we made new homes. We made new money, we built ourselves into what we have today. This has slowly faded away into what we had before the first server map reset.

    The thing about map resets is that they seem bad in the beginning, but as time goes on, you truly fall in love with the game again. In my personal opinion, I would hate it in the beginning, just like most of you would as well. I've had the same map, the same home for 3 years now. But I don't visit that home that often anymore, home sweet home has turned into just a place I store my stuff.

    Let's make a new beginning, a new ERA for DifferentCraft. Lets go exploring again, but this time, lets do it together.

    -LoneWanderer 2018
    Quest for a new map | MineCraft Update 1.13 | Something New, Something Different | DifferentCraft
    User95929 likes this.
  2. Zrayaz1

    Zrayaz1 New Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    I 100% agree, I've also been here since 2014, and through my time on the server I have witnessed the exact same thing. The reset brought growth and a new start. I've stopped playing recently as things have slowed down, and become repetitive and boring. In my personal opinion the 2015 reset was the best thing that happened to differentcraft. As it got me back into the game, and for a few years I truly enjoyed playing. While at first a server reset might create backlash I think it will benefit the server overall.
    Drkunit and LoneWanderer102 like this.
  3. Drkunit

    Drkunit New Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Absolutely agree but doubt it will happen unfortunately.
  4. Duckiegames

    Duckiegames Emperor of Prussia

    Aug 25, 2017
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    im gonna be 100% honest
    i dont think its a good idea at all
    all our memeories will be wiped the projects we JUST finished gone
    also i used to play on a server with 30+ online all the time they did a reset
    now there high player base is 3 people
    also im pretty sure everyone will leave if this was to happen and more people would leave then join
    if they would do a reset they should reset the old world then the "newworld" would become the old world or something​
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2018
    graphite and SteenDeFenomeen like this.
  5. Aflakk

    Aflakk Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    There would be a larger playerbase on this server if there was actual content to do. As it stands, the server has turned into a farming simulator/town builder, with not much else to do. Jobs and diablo-farming are about it for content once you have your own/joined a town, which aren't exactly engaging activities. They should focus on implementing things that will retain players rather then spending all their donations on advertisements
    Duckiegames likes this.
  6. Brenden

    Brenden Member

    Sep 19, 2017
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    I agree, I have put a lot of work into this map myself and yes its would be hard parting with some builds but in the long run I feel it' worth it
    SteenDeFenomeen likes this.
  7. Brenden

    Brenden Member

    Sep 19, 2017
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    And I feel like we should at least reset the End and the Nether and Old World and make a New World then make the current New World the Old World, this would definitely help fix the broken economy.
  8. Duckiegames

    Duckiegames Emperor of Prussia

    Aug 25, 2017
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    i could agree with that more then with a full reset. with a full reset every popular/rich players will be pissed chargeback and be gone the old world is a forgotten world only in them are guardian farms and some outposts. and the now "new world" would stay
  9. LoneWanderer102

    LoneWanderer102 New Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    Funny thing is, this is what people said last time. Guess what, they came back.
  10. user6118

    user6118 New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    If anything is reset then it needs to be the entire server. Resetting just the nether/end/old world is slightly
    unfair because people still have active builds/towns/farms there including myself and is why it hasn't been
    reset yet. (minus the end reset when we updated to 1.9.) I personally think the server needs a full reset.
    I'd play more often if that were the case. Of course, I'd rather not lose rank and extra jobs I paid for.

    If people are too afraid to start over, I feel maybe Jordan should put the hub to use and
    create a "new" towny server. So people would have the option to start over or keep playing
    the old one, but I doubt he'd even take that into consideration.
    Kee, Zrayaz1, Drkunit and 3 others like this.
  11. PygmyPiplup

    PygmyPiplup Member

    Jan 2, 2018
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    I think this is an amazing idea!
    Duckiegames likes this.
  12. OmgItsNed

    OmgItsNed Member

    Dec 8, 2017
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    I'll tell you what is the best option here. My last towny server where I played had 3 separate worlds where you have different balance and items. You couldn't take some items from world 1 and bring them to world 2. This is the best option for the server.

    Make a new world with custom biomes for 1.13 with new balance and items.

    I would definitely stop playing on Diffcraft if they reset old world where I have all my stuff.
    Duckiegames likes this.
  13. Aflakk

    Aflakk Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    As would I. If everything gets reset, I’d have no interest starting over again on this server when I could just move to one that actually has regular content updates and actually tries to fix its problems, rather than trying to play on this one that just sticks a bandaid on it then willfully ignores the problem altogether
    Duckiegames and OmgItsNed like this.
  14. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Differentcraft doesn’t support resets, this will not happen

    Advice from Jordan, if you would like a reset for yourself, simply put all your gear in your inventory and jump into lava or the void.
    graphite, PDB, BolliBollen and 3 others like this.
  15. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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