The event is well underway and some of the rules surrounding it are very confusing In my opinion the event is public and no one should be able to claim a spot and have all the loot from that spot But others say they can claim a spot and do the above Also it is said that it is harassment to take loot from where people are grinding, I am so confused please help and clarify this! @aWinterRose @Duckiegames
i also see it this was you cant claim a spot for you own and if it bothers you find a new spot or find a way to share the spot like i did with some people and no its NOT takes as harrasment when u take somones loot that just something people came up with to prevent it
Staff have all been doing their best to spread the message that there is no such thing as 'my' spot. Unless someone is using magnet, (specifically in high traffic areas) it's not harassment. It's a public event, and people are expected to be kind to one another. There is over a month for everyone to participate and gather the items they need, there is no reason for people to be fighting over who was where first and who gets what area.
As Duckie said, if you have a problem with sharing a specific location or tactic, you're more then welcome to find a different spot. However, players will not be expected to leave because someone doesn't want them there. Many players may choose to avoid certain areas that are already occupied, however it is not a requirement. There's plenty of space and time to get your loot - have fun with each other and work alongside one another not against one another.
i completly agree a event is a good way to maybe make new friends be nice and kind help eachother with grinding and gathering not fighting one another Hope you'll all have fun this event ^-^