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__________Fluffy's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Fluffy, Apr 27, 2019.

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  1. Fluffy

    Fluffy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Mod Application
    What is your IGN?

    My in game username is __________Fluffy (Planning on changing to something more shorter in the future) and my Discord is Fluffy#2029, I am also on the Different Craft discord as well.

    Have you had any name changes?

    This shows you all my name changes I have had (It is 41 Name Changes since 2015)

    What timezone do you live in?

    Time zone in England, UK (GMT+1)

    How active are you?

    I am quite active, this is because I am currently a Co Mayor of Russia, which has recently merged with Milton. Currently, it is School Break, meaning I get freetime and able to do whatever I please. Next week, I am back at College where I will be there 3 times a week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) - This will change as time progresses as I am near the end of my course and units being completed, meaning my days may be shorter or I may not have to go in on that day - On my freedays, I may have assignments or other things to do, meaning I would need to complete these tasks as part of the course in order to receive my qualifications.

    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?

    I have received a range of punishments throughout my time at this server, however, these were issues over a year ago, but I'll still mention them here.

    My first Punishment on the 10th of July 2017 was when I was arguing in the chat with someone about something and then got muted, I believe this was about a washing machine and child abuse? I understood what I did was wrong and calmed myself down.

    My second punishment, a week later was a combination of a warning and a ban from the server, this was for one week. There was this time I went to a store and they asked me to leave, I did not leave and then they proceeded to kill me, which I barely got away from. I begged staff to help me as I felt like this was a vulnerable position as I was killed, but they said that they could not ban due to the person giving time and that I did not have sufficant evidence to support my claim, however, they did get warned, but I did not think this was enough. I set homes there so I could teleport, triggering them to toggle pvp on and to record how long it was until they toggled pvp, which then Jordan stepped in and warned me and then banned me an hour later. I believe I appealed but I think it was denied, this was on the old website, I believe.

    My next mute was 11 days ago, I do not remember why I got muted, so I cannot elaborate on what happened that day

    A warning I got 3 days later was about drugs, I believe I was talking about drugs in chat with a lot of people and then Kieran warned me because of it, and finally my last warning was a kind of abusing town taxes, basically I was changing it right before taxes were taken so that I could get more money this way, I think this is wrong and therefore do not do it no more.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?

    I believe I am suitable for the position of helper as I know a range of things in Minecraft and about the plugins, I am approachable and have good communication skills, meaning by this when someone messages me, i'll use appropriate and professional language to ensure that they understand what they need help with. I also will ensure that I am respectful to people and ensure that chat is also maintained and that people feel safe within the chat; I will ensure that the rules on the server are enforced within chat and use disciplinary measures in order to tackle these offenses individuals may commit (Chat behavour, Advertising, Ect)

    I also believe that I belong in this staff position as I have a high amount of maturity and understanding of content that people may say. In my time zone, I have seen a lack of staffing online as they may be at work or at some form of education, I would be able to cover some times during Monday and Tuesday where people may be at work or school or on Wednesday Thursday or Friday, where I either finish earlier than 3:30 pm and am at home before 5 pm on all days, this means that people who were in a non European time zone could be moderated by me, who would be online to moderate the chat that other staff may not be able to moderate.

    In my experience, I have ran many towns, around 2017 was when I started to run Milton (Not to be confused with the Milton in 2019) This town had over 200 residents and although they were mostly inactive, I had to take on the role of inviting them to the town and ensuring they were satisfied in the town to ensure that they did not leave because of this. Furthermore, the town was disbanded due to me taking a break for my GCSE course of my life where I came more involved in studying for them. When I was in other towns, I always tried to help other residents and always remained friendly within /TC

    I also enjoy helping people, some people message me or ask questions in chat, I normally reply to them quickly if I do know the answer for sure, this may be done before other helpers, or individuals may ask me questions directly to me. If I do not know the answer, I may ask others for help or do independent research about this subject, although I have a good understanding of the plugins that are used on the server as I use them on a regular basis.
    How old are you?
    Yes, the age requirement is to be older than 12, and I happen to be 17 years old.

    Tell us about yourself!

    I go to college and do Business at Level 3, from this, I cover a range of units from retailing to finance, meaning I have a wide range of knowledge from this so don't feel afraid to ask me questions about this. I am currently getting good grades from the course, I am predicted D*D* (Basically 2 A Levels at the highest grade possible, this course runs through 2 years, meaning I will get the other qualification next year which will hopefully be a D* at the end) - In this course, I cover a range of units, these can include; Accounting, Retail, Communications, Marketing and more, which I enjoy. My favorite unit that I have done is Introduction to Marketing because it was interesting to see how business advertise and promote themselves to others, I also like Visual Merchandising as it shows me how retailers place their goods to be more appealing to customers to persuade them to buy the product as the way they have placed the goods to be more appealing to the customers.

    I have an interest for video games, judging from me playing Minecraft, which is one of the first video games I have gotten heavily into, joining in around 2012, I have played Minecraft on different consoles, including; Xbox, Wii U, and On a Smartphone. I enjoy Different Craft as it has a good community and has a strong staffing team. I also like the server as it has many worlds and plugins that individuals can use, I also feel like the events are unique and encourage players to play more in order to build the items to get the special event items. I am currently in the town Russia, which I recently merged with, this is because Berengaria offered me a place and claimed my town, meaning that Milton is still around, just as an outpost. It is an honor to be called a Grand Duke in, my opinion, one of the greatest towns on the server, it is really respectful and kind of him to do so.

    Outside of Minecraft, however, I play a range of games, ranging from multiplayer to single player. I play games such as; Grand Theft Auto 5, Stardew Valley, Rust and Ark Survival Evolved, and single player games, such as Hitman 2, Resident Evil 2 Remake and The Long Dark. I enjoy these games as they have plenty of content for me to enjoy and to play again and again. I enjoy playing multiplayer games with my friends as I enjoy it more over playing by myself as I know I am developing a friendship with that individual person, also I can communicate with people around the world when playing these games. I also enjoy single player games as I can go at my own pace and use mods to alter the experience for myself so that it is personal to what I like.

    During my free time, I study hard for my course, as I do not have exams, I have assignments which I must complete to the criteria in order to receive that grade for the assignment, which results in what I get for the unit, which then decides what I get for the Semester. In my free time, I relax on my bed and pet my black cat, she enjoys coming into my room and sleeping on my computer chair a lot, she can be annoying sometimes as when I am going to school, she is taking a nap on my school bag and I feel bad for waking her up xD - I also spend time with my grandparents, expecially with my grandmother, which I enjoy doing baking with her as we do baking that my parents wouldn't be able to do in their kitchen as they do not enjoy doing complex baking.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
  2. Think

    Think New Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Nice application. That's a lot of punishments but atleast you told everything about them. There is nice amount of information about other things too. Good luck
    Fluffy likes this.
  3. Fluffy

    Fluffy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Yes, I wanted to be honest with my past, even though I had a lot of punishments, I believe it can be forgiven as I haven't actually been punished and thanks you for your feedback, its appreciated a lot :D
  4. Duckiegames

    Duckiegames Emperor of Prussia

    Aug 25, 2017
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    A Very nice,active and helpful person +1
  5. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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