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gotta give it a hug. to do so, go up to it and press c. If it doesnt work, you probably didnt get close enough. You will know you were successful...
All that would do is make people get pissy at one another. Unless you kept dislikes anonymous, I dont think thats a great idea
i smell SIMP on these premises. Begone!
Prawn is the type to get heavily involved in the server and it's obvious that he is utmostly concerned with the people and the community. To be...
I've seen you around and I think you're definitely deserving of the helper role, but I'd say mod is not an introductory position. You still get a...
Shyroz is one of the kindest and most helpful people I've met on dc. I've yet to have a fleshed out conversation with him, but from what I know,...
You're a really cool guy and I've seen you in vc a couple times. If anyone deserves the position, its you. +1
What is your IGN? My ign is "its_triskit" My current nickname is CleanTriskit I don't really use TS3 to be honest and I'm more active on discord...
60 (((((((also we should make this a discord channel instead of a forum game jsjs)))))))))
Someone should release the drop tables with item percentages for choccy eggs/wonka bars from easter crates
my name is triskit and Im here to say that I hope you wash hands man times per day But like. this server is one of my favorite quarantine...