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Tomtommi12's Application

Discussion in 'Approved' started by tomtommi12, Dec 27, 2019.

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  1. tomtommi12

    tomtommi12 Russian Comrade

    Dec 27, 2019
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    Helper Application

    What is your IGN?
    Tell us your in game name and nickname, as well as your name on TeamSpeak3.
    Minecraft & TS Name is Tomtommi12.

    Have you had any name changes?
    Back in 2016 I've changed my name to Thiefke but quickly changed it back after a month or so.

    What timezone do you live in?
    Central European Time

    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?
    Yes, quite some yeah. But most of them were over 800 days ago and I've learned from them. I've been banned for toxic behaviour once, but it turned out to be a miscommunication. I've been muted about 2 times for resuming a subject which was told to drop and I've been muted for innapropiate talk once.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?
    I've been quite a long member of this server now and I've gathered quite some knowledge of how the server works. At first I didn't really think about applying and just wanted to play the server, but I've changed my mind because I see a lot of people asking for help, and I happily help them with their inquiries and/or problems. It makes me happy seeing other people happy. I'm not going for mod straight away (or ever) because of my age and I want to see if I can handle being a helper. I have a private server for myself to get myself familiar with plugins so I know quite some commands. I'm really familiar with Slimefun, Essentials, Playervaults, Brewery, AH, Worldedit and a lot of vanilla minecraft. I'm almost 12/7 able to be online with some exceptions which happen occassionally.

    How old are you?
    I'm 14 right now. I'm gonna turn 15 on 25 januari, so very soon.

    Tell us about yourself!
    My name is Tom as you've probably guessed or heard me say by now and I spend a lot of my free time into games. Especially minecraft. I've been playing it since 2011. So I've gathered quite a bit of knowledge of how the game works. I build computers for fun and know some things about programming (Python and visual studio) I almost always enjoy a joke but know my borders. I can sometimes be a bit immature but I can be mature as long as needed, so that shouldn't be a extremely big con.
    Anonymous likes this.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Wandering Weeb

    Jul 22, 2019
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    I have spoken to Tom quite a few times over the last couple weeks and find him to be easy to get on with, talk to and play with and just over all a positive addition to the community. I have also witnessed him helping, answering questions and making newcomers feel more welcome on the server on more than just one occasion.
    When Tom says that he can be immature, while it might be slightly true I do not see his immaturity as a defect or even remotely bad in any way as I find it much more charming and relaxing when I have someone who isn't 1000% serious constantly, it makes him more entertaining and easier to get along with, something that I don't think we can really call a down side.

    I give Tom a +1 and a big old Good Luck :p
    tomtommi12 likes this.
  3. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Please do not fear if there are not many responses on this thread by myself.

    The most efficient way to contact me is via my discord which is at the bottom of this thread.
    Please contact me there for a chat with a view to interview.

    tomtommi12 likes this.
  4. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Oops forgot to move again.
    It's just so exciting having new staff you forget all the boring stuff.
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