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Cali_Blonde98's Mod Application

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Cali_Blonde98, Mar 16, 2020.

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  1. Cali_Blonde98

    Cali_Blonde98 Co-Mayor of Braavos

    Mar 16, 2018
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    Mod Application
    What is your IGN?

    In-game name: Cali_Blonde98
    Discord: Cali#7429

    Have you had any name changes?


    What timezone do you live in?

    Atlantic Time Zone (GMT-3)

    How active are you?

    Active at least once a day, sometimes two-three times.

    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?

    In 2016, I was permanently banned for /ignoring a staff member that I did not see eye to eye with and refused to unignore them.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?

    Currently, as a helper, I moderate chat, help all players in need and giving reasonable punishments to those not following the server rules. I have also started to share my wealth among the other players (especially to newcomers) to promote the longevity of player's time on the server. I understand how hard and tedious it can be being a newcomer and starting from scratch, so I try to help as much as I can to have players enjoy their time on the server and to want to stay for longer. Although I am very friendly to everyone on the server and I consider all players to be my friend, I am no hesitant to warn or give punishments to those who break the server's rules. I absolutely do not give any player a special pass to break the rules no matter how close we are as friends.

    As for moderator, I fell there is a shortage of mods. At this current moment, there are only two moderators. The majority of the time that I am on, neither of the mods are on due to time zone differences. I will benefit the staff team by being mod because I am very active and I will be able to moderate the server more by being able to punish players to a higher extent than I am as a helper. For example, today a player (troll) came online to harass the other players and flooded chat with racial slurs. As a helper, I muted it and then reported it to the mods to ban. Luckily, one of the mods was available to help and ban the player but sometimes there are days where neither mod is available to get on at a helper's request. I also understand that there are been an enormous amount of players using Xray on the server and as a mod, I would be there to ban on the spot. I have been a helper for a tad over 3 months but I have been active enough to know the player base and what to look for when people are breaking the rules. Although I know the basics of the plugins in the server, I can be forgetful at times but I am definitely not afraid to ask for help from the other staff members and I gladly treat all my fellow staff members as equals. Please consider, I won't let you down. :)

    How old are you?


    Tell us about yourself!

    I am 21 years old and currently live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I am originally from Southern California and decided to move to Canada for my undergraduate degree in medical psychology. I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, traveling, and sports activities. I am currently apart of a volleyball team and enjoy watching ice hockey. My Favorite team is the Boston Bruins. I have two cats (Hawk and Winston) and a ferret named Chestnut.
    AdamSPA likes this.
  2. AdamSPA

    AdamSPA Mayor of EcoCity, King of EcoNation

    Sep 29, 2017
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    Good Luck Cali !
    She should really be a Mod, she is very friendly, and she helps as much as she can.
    Definitely +1 from me !

    Cali_Blonde98 likes this.
  3. Dark_cougar

    Dark_cougar Vaermira

    Jan 6, 2019
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    very good staff, there’s nothing to hold against this, I beleive you would be a very good mod, your my favorite mod, I see you as a mod, I beleive in you Cali
    Cali_Blonde98 likes this.
  4. User95929

    User95929 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Hello Good morning Cali. I took a look at your staff application a few days ago and really thought about this decision carefully. Due to Chad leaving us soon (despite us holding him against his will technically speaking), kieran's recent inability to be as active as he would like due to life being in the way, and my recent promotion to admin. I feel it would be best that we get you started on working your way up to moderator to fill in the gaps we are missing. This is a big responsibility but I feel you are capable of this next step up. :) Application Approved.
    Cali_Blonde98 likes this.
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