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TheKatsTurn's Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by TheKatsTurn, Sep 24, 2017.

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  1. TheKatsTurn

    TheKatsTurn New Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Name Changes?
    Yes, I have had a name change in the past around two to three years ago.
    Time Zone?
    I live in New Zealand making my timezone NZST so UTC +12.
    I have received several punishments before on different servers as a result of my account being compromised one to two years ago.
    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?
    I feel I belong in this position as I am very sociable and a well-rounded person. I would be an asset to this team as I have very strong feelings on the rules of servers and would like to see an improvement of people following these rules if I am selected for staff. I speak English fluently and I am very close to being able to speak fluent Spanish as I take classes in the language three to four times a week. I can handle those who are upset or annoyed about something that has happened on the server for instance if someone has been griefed I will work alongside them calming them and working tirelessly to find those who completed the crime. I also get along with people very well and feel that I would get along well with most staff members and those who are working towards staff.
    I am thirteen to be fourteen in April of 2017.
    About me
    I am of English culture and have been raised in my home country New Zealand all my life. Outside of Minecraft, I enjoy playing a multitude of games and meeting new people on the internet. I play two sports and enjoy them both immensely. I play field hockey of which I have made a national team this year, and have just started Badminton. I live out in the country with two dogs a cat and several sheep. I go to an only girls school out in the city and have been there for three years and enjoy it. I am also a writer/editor on Wattpad and am editing/co-writing a book which has over half a million reads.
    I felt that I should add my activity. After school, I can donate four to five hours and on weekends I can donate anywhere from six to twelve hours.
  2. TheKatsTurn

    TheKatsTurn New Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    The age on my account is incorrect and I am unsure how to change it, so if any confusion arises, yes, I am thirteen.
  3. Wuphe

    Wuphe Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Hello and thank you for applying! Unfortunately we cannot offer you an interview at this time as you are not active enough on Teamspeak and haven't been on the server all that long. Please play a bit longer and come get to know us on Teamspeak and feel free to reapply!


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