/ Seasons Greetings Everyone! / Merry Christmas Differentcraft! Today is a day for us all to be happy and cheery together with our friends and family. I'm here on behalf of the entire Differentcraft family to wish you a very happy holiday and an amazing Christmas. Please stay safe over your holidays and enjoy yourselves! From all of us at Differentcraft, thank you and happy holidays <3 Christmas Quotes! JORDANWILLIAMS2: "Happy holidays all and stay safe from the cornvirus!!!" SAMAELSTAR: "Santas staying in my basement this year kids." SHYROZ: "Happy christmas everyone and remember, dont stuck your head into a composter, it wont end good" STEVENXB10: "I have no quote, head empty" GONZO1O: "You guys are like seagulls when someone pulls out a box of chips" BLUEXANDER: "Krampus comes for you" PRAWNSONASTICK: "Let's take a moment to think of those unable to celebrate Christmas this year. Stay safe everyone x" AKAEVIL: "I walk in the club and say whats up i got a big forehead" OMGITSNED: "Jordan, add the dungeons already" CHEESDODO: "Dear santa, I want a diamond Hoe with loyalty III" NEYA: "Fart, poop and cat B)" AKALRON: "Merry Christmas and happy holidays, from Lemon man"
Hope you've all had a great Christmas and I'm excited for a new year with you all on DifferentCraft! Much love from Spookz <333