Player Report x-x-x-x-x-x If you’ve witnessed something punishable, you can report it here. Please don’t make multiple reports on the same offence, and don’t upload reports on players who staff have already dealt with in game. This is mainly for people to report things that staff have directed them to, or for when no staff were online. Please copy and paste the below format into your own thread and provide all the answers. If we end up having to look into things, the more information the better! What is your IGN? Ellendyra What is the offender's IGN? CottenCollecter, SlaveKeeper, SlaveKeeper? What rule was broken? Inappropriate username, derogative Around what time did it take place? 4am Eastern Standard Time Tell us what happened. Just their usernames in general. Plus Cottencollecter and SlaveKeeper Married one another. Provide us with some proof. https : // ibb . co / KD78B7s Additional comments. I can't add links because I'm too new
We appreciate your report and the players in question have been banned. In the future, it would likely be faster for us to get to such a report if it were made in the form of a ticket on our discord server. Whilst we do get notified of reports on the website, the easier method is generally discord. We thank you again for reporting the players to us, and we hope that they did not ruin your experience of our server too much