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Discussion in 'General Discussion!' started by TheKatsTurn, Oct 17, 2017.


Should I make a Different Craft Instagram page?

  1. Stop, Get out, Leave. No. Bad.

    2 vote(s)
  2. Ya know what this could be a trainwreck. But sure! Lets try it!

    8 vote(s)
  1. TheKatsTurn

    TheKatsTurn New Member

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Ok basically I had an idea then I got too worried about people not liking the idea so I didn't post it.
    But now I'm gonna do it anyway!

    Ok, so I was thinking, what about a different craft Instagram?
    I'd happily run it and post things on it, I think it could be a very good idea and I might as well list some pros and cons.

    Different craft would be able to get its name out more!
    People could suggest things that I could post and I'd see if they were appropriate then post them.
    If the members of different craft followed we would be able to share news faster!

    Some people may not like what I post
    Some people may post inappropriate comments (That can be fixed by blocking people, though)

    If I get around 5-10 people saying this is a good idea as well as approval from a Mod, Jordan or Rose then I'll probably do that.

    Let me know what you think!
    LittleSkittle_ likes this.
  2. TheAppleNut2

    TheAppleNut2 AppleBottom

    Oct 16, 2017
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    Hi there, TheKatsTurn!

    Your idea is an opportunity I believe every business should capitalize on. I have studied the sciences behind social media marketing and advertising. I also have a background in business ownership and marketing; both in Minecraft and real-world retail. It's an exceptionally dirty, yet profoundly successful opportunity if used correctly.

    Lets get one thing straight, social media is the absolute best way to promote a business or service you offer. If we look at the demographics of Instagram alone, we see that between 20%-25% of users are part of the millennial generation. (Between 16-25 years of age). If we compare those demographics to those of Minecraft users, they are relatively similar. There is an average of 202,218 Minecraft users that play every single day. "Play" is defined as logging on to a server, not exactly playing for hours at a time. However, there is huge opportunity.

    Social media advertising is usually left to retail type businesses. However, if done correctly, I believe social media advertising could increase the client population of any business. If we talk about Minecraft servers as a business, in which they are, you can see how this could relate.

    The only downside happens to be directly related to the upside. If not done correctly, one could not only gain nothing, but possibly lose something. Something, in this case, being either money or players. Therefore, I would definitely contact a member of staff, if not the owner of the server. As the overall business owner should know of any marketing being done for his/her server. Overall, I believe this is a good idea. If you receive an okay from ownership and/or management, I wish you good luck!

    Kindest regards,

    LittleSkittle_ likes this.
  3. LittleSkittle_

    Oct 4, 2017
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    If you make an Instagram for the server then there should be a forum where people post their screen shots that they'd like on the Instagram page :D
    I'd take screen shots of the server and my town and cool buildings I find for the page ^.^
  4. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Because the page will be associated with the server, the owner has said it's okay to make an account on the condition that it's named as a fan page.
    It must be labelled as "
    Unofficial" or as a "Fan Page".

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