So I'm not sure what to do. From what I've heard the town I'm in is dead. Aurora i think it's called. The owner of that town does not play anymore. This is problematic for me for a couple reasons: I can no longer get my land claimed, I can no longer get my friends into this town. So here's a few questions i have: Is it possible for a admin or something to unclaim my currently claimed land? Will i be able to switch to a more lively town without losing anything important? So let me know what you think k thanks! ~XxKiwiliciousxX
Whenever you leave a town, all of your claimed plots within that town are automatically unclaimed. As for switching towns; my best advice is to search for a new town you like and when you find one, ask the mayor for an embassy plot. By claiming an embassy plot, you'll be able to move all of your things over from your old home to your new one before you leave your current town. Once you've transferred your things over and left your old town; you can simply ask the mayor to change your plot from being an embassy to a regular resident plot, and join your new town there.
Apologies I was not clear enough. I own a outpost but at that outpost they never gave me perms. I was wondering if it could be unclaimed somehow. Since they forgot to give me perms to my own outpost I cant do anything...
I suggest sending Lone a mail by doing /mail send Lonewanderer102 [your message] about your situation (he is the mayor now). You can see someones activity by doing /seen [playername]