Mod Application What is your IGN? My in game name is creepercraft123. My team speak name is ghsteve. Have you had any name changes? My name changes were creepercraft123 cyberspin Bandriod What timezone do you live in? Vienna, Wien How active are you? I am active almost everyday sometimes in 7 am to 1 pm or sometimes 4:30 pm to 6pm. Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why? I did received punishments on the PC version and cracked version of Minecaft the server team extreme( a cracked server). The rule on that server was you are only allowed to have 2 accounts. But I have broken the rules. I have created more than 2 accounts. About 3 or 4 accounts. The punishment was that I got banned. Why do you feel you belong in this staff position? Because I want to help other players even if they don't need my help. Also to catch any rule breaking players such as hackers. How old are you? I am 19 years old. Tell us about yourself! I am from Korea, I can speak Korean, English and a little bit of German. I have lived Vienna about 3 years.
You must be active on the server, as well as active in this server's teamspeak, and here on the forums, for a bare minimum of 2 weeks before your application will even be considered. Considering you're a new member who just joined today it's highly unlikely you'll be accepted. Good luck though, you'll need it.
^ I also recommend 2 weeks. Please re apply in a few weeks Happy crafting! Moved to denied for re-apply Thread locked