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How to make a good town :) - Guide

Discussion in 'Guides, Tutorials, Tips!' started by Fluffy, Aug 26, 2017.

  1. Fluffy

    Fluffy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Need help with commands used in a town? - Clicky

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    Before we begin, this is my way of making a good town, your ideas and method of making a good town may be different

    So please be Respectful :)

    Hello New Mayors, if you are already a new mayor, then I congratulate you on taking your first step onto becoming an independent leader of a town. You will have great memories, like goals you have achieve, and failures that may make you feel bad, this is the fun in creating a town

    Requirements for creating a town

    Offical rank
    7k to create the town
    A town balance higher than 1k

    Before becoming a mayor

    There are many benefits on becoming a mayor, such as having builds that are claimed and that you can display to people. When deciding to become a mayor, its a good idea to talk to close friends in the server if they would like to help the town, if they say yes, then you can make an embassy in the town for them to transfer their stuff to your town. An embassy is a plot that ANYONE can claim, Outsiders and residents. If a resident leaves the town, they will keep the plot. Also when your going to become a mayor, make sure you can make money quickly, 1k a day can turn into 31k a month and 365k a year, but you will make enough money for your town easily. Remember, each claim you do takes 1k from the bank and each outpost you create will take 40k as well.

    Starting the town

    When beginning the town, store materials and blocks you are going to use in the town, these could be blocks for roads, homes and more. To find out the chunk you are in (Area that is claimed) Do F3 and G, this will show you plot borders, which is clearly shown. This shows one plot area, the spawn will have a tag like [Home] to show you that the chunk is the spawn chunk, you can move the spawn any time with /t set spawn (Where you stand will be where you will be when you do /t spawn) If you want to move the spawn to a new chunk do /t set homeblock, which will change the home block (You can only do /t sethome in the homeblock chunk) When you have started the town, you are a Hermit, living by your own and will have 8 claims automatically, if you join a nation, you will have lots of claims to start building with (We will talk about nations later in the thread) Each resident in the town is 8 claims, if one leaves, you lose 8 claims, if one joins, you gain 8 claims. Keep this in mind because you may start to run out. Start to claim around your spawn and start to form the town.

    Building the town

    When you want to build the town, you should make plots, plots are what residents can claim (If set for sale by Assistant, Co Mayor or Mayor) They can only build in that area, if you want to, you can put plot borders by the edge of the plot so the buildings are detached. Make a path that is the same at each path you make, make it something easy and adjust it when you start to build the town. When you make plots for residents, you can make it premade plot or an empty plot, here are some benefits

    The benefits of empty plots is that people can build whatever they want on that plot, but if you have a build theme, it might not fit it. Empty plots can be quickly made and easily managed. The build quality can vary due to the person building it is different each plot.

    The benefits of prebuilt homes is that it may fit your build style and may look nice, your homes may look the same or similar, but a disadvantage could be that the buildings take a while to make and the resident may not like it. Its best to sell the plot for a price that you think reflects the value of the build

    But the best way to get a good town is to cater for all people in your town, a mix of premade builds and empty plots will ensure that your residents have a choice and are happy.

    When you are building other buildings, other than shops, put them in another area, away from the homing area, this is so it is easily manageable and people can identify which area is which.

    Financing the town

    When it comes to finance, you do use it a lot. The town bank keeps the town alive, failure to keep the bank limit above 1k will result in the town falling. You use money when you claim chunks, this is 1k, when you claim an outpost, this is 40k and more. A simple way of supplying the bank is /t deposit (Value of money you want in the bank) Note, make sure you have enough money in your bal before you deposit, if you are below Co Mayor Another way is Taxes. Taxes are taken when the game says A new day is here and taxes have been taken This means each resident (Except ranked players) pay the tax that you set, there are two different tax types, /t set taxes (Number) This will be taken away from each persons bal, Note, if player doesn't have enough money to pay the taxes, they will automatically be kicked from the town There is also /t toggle taxpercent this will turn your number into a percentage Meaning the amount of money will vary, depending on the players bal. Example, if someone had a balance of 1,000,000 and there was 1% tax, 100k would go to town bank. Please note, changing town taxes right before towny time and then changing back is punishable and unfair. Residents can also donate to the town bank, you should praise them and encourage them to donate to the town bank, this could be by rewarding with donator rank (Don't have to pay taxes) And more.

    Maintaining the town

    When your town is highly financed, very big, has lots of residents and more, you will feel like you are repeating yourself many times and might feel bored. To make things fun, try and build buildings that are unique and fun, maybe try and make mansions for your residents to buy. What I mean by maintaining the town is removing inactive plots away and giving them to new people (Store their items and give them back to prevent getting banned) Note, if you kick someone for being inactive, you will have less chance of giving them their items back, take their plot, not kick because they have 8 claims and if you kick you lose 8.

    Outposts and more

    An outpost costs 40k and can be used to make another area away from main town. Outposts cannot be accessed by outsiders, only if they find the outpost or get tpa into the outpost. An outpost can be a way of having a different build style or a way of you having an area which isn't publicly shown, it can also be a way to separate your town or make something non related to residents, such as grinders

    Ranking your town residents, trust

    When you play your town, you will meet people who join your town and never come back (Leaves server) Some people may join and be active, active people are good staff because they will be available for you to use them and ask them for help, start by asking them if they want the staff rank (Start with assistant or builder) and if they agree, give it to them if you trust them, if they are good, rank them up and if they do bad things, demote them. Its about trust, don't give random people co mayor because they may abuse and do something wrong, which would end up being your fault.


    Make sure your fully prepared to make the town
    Be creative with your town and make it look nice
    Set a fair tax that people will agree with
    NEVER kick players without a justified reason Also tell them that you are going to kick the
    Have fun with your town, and don't let it ruin your life
    Make sure your town is financed if you take a break

    This is a town guide for any new mayors, or people wanting to become mayor
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
    mosabsomaer, CrazyDad543 and User3051 like this.
  2. CrazyDad543

    CrazyDad543 Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Wow! This is so thorough. Thank you @Greymother
  3. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Well done grey. I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful!
  4. Fall

    Fall New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Quick tips for a good town: Have an active and healthy community within the town (also within the nation), offer large plot sizes if asked, and offer a variety of different services to your town members (such as farms and whatnot).

    Remember as a mayor, you're there to help out your new residents as if you're staff of the server xD
    User3051 likes this.
  5. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Well put :p

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