Helper Application ~-~-~-~-~-~ What is your IGN? My IGN: FactionNeo25 IGN Nick: Neo TS: Unfortunately i don't have one, but I do have discord! FactionNeo25#4315 (I can get if necessary) Have you had any name changes? Yes to CosmicZasome then back to FactionNeo25 What timezone do you live in? Easter Standard Time. OH, USA. Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why? I have been banned from hypixel for auto clicker and have removed it forever. Why do you feel you belong in this staff position? I think I belong in staff because i have worked for 1 other server and was promoted form helper to admin. I am super capable of working for a Minecraft server. I want to help with anything and hope to see you in the future of the server How old are you? I am 14, will be 15 in next march. Tell us about yourself! My name is Sam more known as Neo. I like music, football, and playing video games! I am currently going to school Monday -Friday and have the weekend off. I like to spend my extra time talking to friends and playing more games! Even though i am only 14, i really hope you accept my application! See Ya!!
You need at least 2 weeks on TeamSpeak. The punishments were for this server which you can see while you are on with the command: /history (playername) As well as I haven’t been on a lot the last week, but I don’t think I have seen you on more than a handful of times. I would suggest this for you. 1. Get teamspeak3 2. Be active for at least 2 weeks (14 days(you can scroll over your name if need be)) 3. Get to know the community more. 4. Reapply only after this application has been deemed either denied or accepted.(only need to reapply if denied) Good luck! -Animefan0621 -AaronKarasu
I am sorry never seen you and nerver hread of you I am guessing u just joined the server and want to become staff
You do need TS. It would be great to see you help in chat if people have questions. That will really boost your chance. Good luck!