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Animefan0621/Aaron's Mod App

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Animefan0621, Mar 23, 2018.

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  1. Animefan0621

    Animefan0621 God of Ramen

    Jan 18, 2018
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    Mod Application
    What is your IGN?

    IGN: Animefan0621
    Nick: AaronKarasu
    Discord: NinjaWolfAaronKarasu#0064
    TeamSpeak: Anime0621/Aaron

    Have you had any name changes?

    What timezone do you live in?
    EST New York, USA
    How active are you?
    I am usually on on my days off work and physical therapy and when my roommate is at school.
    Usually 4-5 hours or 8-10 hours
    I am always on the TeamSpeak server when I am on the server too.

    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?
    I kicked myself way back in August. I kind of wish I didn't.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?
    I have been on when only other helpers have been on when someone with ban permissions was severely needed. I think that we need more mods for the timezone that I am in because no one seems to be available immediately.

    How old are you?

    Tell us about yourself!

    I am just a normal guy who likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. All jokes aside for now.
    I am 21 and Live in South Western New York next to the great lakes. (I have learned to hate snow.)
    I work for a rather large company (Ask the company and I might tell you lol) making Appliance Deliveries, ex.: Fridges, Stoves, Ovens, Washers and Driers, microwaves, and dishwashers.
    I live with my bestfriend and as well as girlfriend (4 years together in July lol) in an apartment and the two of us fight over the computer we have constantly...she usually wins.
    I have a wide range of humor that appeals to almost every genre as well as I like a wide range of Music too.
    I think I am rambling at this moment and I think I should end it here.

    Thank you for reading and all criticism is welcome!
  2. SteenDeFenomeen

    Jan 31, 2018
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    I support you! But isn't this a little bit fast?
    But you will fit great in that posotion, always active, always talking! You got my supprt!
    1 question.. What are Pina Coladas? :eek:

    Duckiegames likes this.
  3. Animefan0621

    Animefan0621 God of Ramen

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I have been told told that it might be, but I think we need the help. I have also been studying the towny commands and the commands that tmod and mod get.
    For Pina Colada, it is generally a alcoholic beverage (It can be made for those underage) made with pineapple juice lol.
    It was made famous by the song "If you like Pina Coladas"
    Duckiegames likes this.
  4. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    This is way to fast. I don't think you have proven yourself yet.
    Duckiegames and SteenDeFenomeen like this.
  5. Animefan0621

    Animefan0621 God of Ramen

    Jan 18, 2018
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    I know it is fast, but I am also thinking about the community. After our big advertising we have had a constant influx of new players, and with them, Trolls, and staff can’t be on all the time to deal with them before the damage is done and we lose the new players to the toxic trolls. So we need a couple more mods for the traffic that we have.
  6. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    You can mute with helper too and report to name to a mod / Kieran / Jordan for now.
    I don't think you should be moderator.
    You can mute / kick / warn with helper, that's enough.

    Like Joe, he has waited a few months. Duckie has waited a few months. So meh.
    Duckiegames and SteenDeFenomeen like this.
  7. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Hello Aaron

    I feel this application may have been made a bit too early, there are still many things to learn about being staff and I think the sudden jump to t-mod May come as too much, I feel you should stay as helper for the time being.

    You can contact me and talk about this if you want to.

    Denied thread locked
    Duckiegames likes this.
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