So the past few days I've been busy moving to another town named Eleco. Currently im in in the town: 'EpicTown' Eleco gave me embassy plots to build on so that I could build my house and then easily move my items over to that new house. This was going fine. Yesterday the server had a lot of lag and needed a restart. The server did a 'proxy restart'. Since it was very late for me during the restart, I decided to call it a day and went to sleep. Today I came back and did some more building. I saw that I needed some more blocks so I teleported back to my old house at EpicTown. When I opened the chest I saw that there was nothing in it. Quickly realising that every singe chest was empty. These were locked chests. I locked very single chest but when I asked Helper 'GIRANDTHEPIG' for help he told me that the chests weren't locked. This is confusing since I'm very very certain that they were locked. The Helper told me to post here. So all my items are gone at 'EpicTown' but the chests at 'Eleco' are fine. Which is weird. Every furnace and shulkerbox are also fine at EpicTown. Also weird. So either the proxy restart somehow let my chests 'crash' or I've been raided by my own town. Either way, I'd really whish my items back to enjoy the game and server. I hope this was clear enough to understand, Hopefully we can solve this and I'm hoping for a quick reply. Thank you. -MCJoeri or JoeriTube IGN: MCJoeri
Someone just did /clearplot at your plot (wich unlocks your chests and removes the items try doing /reclaim) if that dosnt work your itemswere deleted if you hadnt reclamied them after 1 month
I tried /reclaim and that worked. It seems to be that someone actually did clear out my plot which is weird. Thank you. I have my items back Thread closed.