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Helper Applications

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Michael, Jun 28, 2018.

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  1. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Jun 28, 2018
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      Helper Application

      What is your IGN?
      My IGN is GamerMike_YT For MC for discord my IGN is MikeGameAlotYT

      Have you had any name changes?
      yes I've changed my name 2 times my original name was xXMikeXxDragon

      What timezone do you live in?
      my time zone is eastern standard

      Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?
      yes I have been banned on a server call hypixel for hack and I am very sorry for it I am try to make up

      Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?
      I just fell like my whole life I should help people and what better way to do it then in one of my favorite games I just want to be able to give in you know? help the community

      How old are you?
      I am 12 years old

      Tell us about yourself!
      I am a kid who loves to have fun and stay active my favorite color is blue love pizza
  2. SteenDeFenomeen

    Jan 31, 2018
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    Im very sorry, but you need to have atleast 2 weeks of playing time, and you need to be active on teamspeak and/or discord.

    - Steen
    Duckiegames likes this.
  3. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Please have a look at our requirements on helper applications here. There's a few that you don't currently meet, including being active on the server for a minimum of 2 weeks prior to applying.
    Thanks for taking the time to apply, if you make these adjustments you can re-apply in a few weeks.
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