I just died in lava on a /back glitch and lost all my stuff. There was no lava when i tp away. I need to get my inventory back please.
Unfortunately there's unlikely to be a resolution to this unless you have evidence of how you died, and the items you had. There's no way to restore your inventory. Where did you /back to? Nether? While mining?
No not in nether just normal world at 3151/54/2936 and i was tp`ing home to get food and logged of. when i logged back in and tp /back there was lava and it was NOT there when i tp away. i lost a full inventory but the importent stuff for me was: Gem seeker Elytra (mending, unb 3) Diamond axe (mending,unb 3, eff 5) 7 vote keys Diamond helmet (Nightvision, respiration, mending, ..., ...) 44 lvl Best regards Web_online
Hey there, as suspected the owner has confirmed that there's nothing we can do in regards to this. We apologise for the inconvenience.