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Official Server Rules

Discussion in 'Guides, Tutorials, Tips!' started by James, Aug 16, 2017.

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  1. James

    James Active Member

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Punishments for breaking the below rules may be based on the circumstances.
    Staff judgement will be used in cases where the rules are not sufficient. All rules apply to the server, discord, and teamspeak.
    If you feel your punishment is unjust, you may appeal it on the forums.

    • Your Account, Your Responsibility
      • You are responsible for any and all behaviour that takes place on your account. Because of this reason, we recommend not allowing your account to be accessible to anyone else.

      • You should only have one account logged on the server at a time. Bypassing daily/weekly chests, bans, job caps, and so on with alts are all punishable.

      • If you feel you are wrongly banned for having an alt, make an appeal and explain your situation.

      • Respect all staff and players.

      • You are not permitted to /ignore a staff member.

      • Players who are considered detrimental to the community will be removed without further consideration. If you can’t contribute positively, you will be considered toxic to the player base and be removed.

      • Shulker spawners are not permitted on the server.

      • You may place a max of 50 hoppers. Having more may result in them being edited out by upper staff.

      • No bug exploiting. No server is flawless, especially when new plugins are added. Occasionally catastrophic bugs become serverwide knowledge. Please refrain from abusing them, and contact staff privately if you have found one. This include bypassing lwc locks.

      • No AFK machines/farming. They will be destroyed by staff and you will be eliminated from receiving store coupons & top player. Additionally, you may have your balance, mcmmo, and job levels reset on top of a ban.

      • Respect staff decisions. If a staff member has informed you of something, or determined a punishment, you are expected to respect it. Staff will be responsible for judging situations in need of resolvement. If the player feels it’s unjust, they can appeal it on the forums.

      • By playing on the server, you are agreeing to follow the rules we have laid out for you.

    • Chat
      • General chat is expected to be kept PG-13 and free of any socially inflammatory topics including politics, drugs, homophobia, sexism, racism, and explicit content.

      • Be respectful. Do not use hate speech or discriminatory language towards a race, religion, gender, orientation/identity, etc.

      • No swearing or filter dodging in general chat, and you may under no circumstances direct it at another player.

      • English in main chat only. Although this may seem unfair, staff are unable to moderate chat in multiple languages and due to our chat restrictions we ask that you use other chats, including party, town, nation, or PM for other languages and/or topics deemed inappropriate for general chat.

      • No spamming – we understand and will tolerate minor character spam as a form of emphasis. However, excessive and obvious spam or flooding of chat will not be tolerated.

      • Don’t dox, (reveal or share private/personal information about others). It is potentially dangerous and you will be removed from the community if you are caught doing so.

      • No impersonating players/staff. This includes nicknames, name changes, claims, etc.

      • No inappropriate or disrespectful nicknames, skins, item names, and usernames. If you have a username deemed inappropriate for the server, you will be banned for a month or until you change it. Once you’ve changed it, appeal on the forums and you will be unbanned. The same applies to skins, until you change it.

    • Advertising & Links
      • Advertising anywhere on any of our servers is not permitted. This includes the IP AND the name of another server. private messages, signs, books, links, etc. will all be punishable.

      • Please don’t post links in chat. We have a plugin that for the most part blocks them – so even innocent links may be considered spam.
      • Advertising any discord or TS server besides the official DifferentCraft server's is not permitted. This includes town discords.

    • Harassment
      • Harassment for the most part will be identified at the discretion of staff. If you feel you are being harassed, do /ds create to contact a staff member or go to Report a Player on the forums.

      • You are allowed to be in other players towns, however if you are there for no other reason than to taunt players, or are needlessly upsetting them, you will be asked to leave.

      • Setting homes in, or near another players build or town is against the rules. This includes both claimed and unclaimed land.

      • Interfering with a player inside of a town by standing in the way of their build, knocking them out of fly, or blocking them with disguises is considered harassment.

      • Trying to make contact with players who’ve /ignore’d you will result in a ban.

    • PvP
      • Do not lure people into PvP or combat. This includes disguising as a mob so that they combat tag you first, offering people items to come to you and so on.

      • No TP Killing. You are required to wait a minimum of 5 minutes after teleporting before initiating combat with someone. The exemption of this rule is /warp pvp. If you go to the pvp arena, expect to die and be prepared to lose your items.

      • No mob disguising in the pvp arena.

      • If you wish to toggle pvp in your plot or town to kill someone, you must first warn them that you are toggling it to kill them, Then you must wait 60 seconds before engaging in combat.

      • No bypassing non-pvp zones, including the miningworld and towns where pvp is disabled.

    • Griefing & Raiding
      • The only world you are permitted to grief in is the miningworld.

      • Raiding is permitted in the WILD only, and considered to be anything where less then 10 non raidable blocks have been broken. You can under no circumstances raid towns, even if their perms are on.

      • Raidable blocks include; coal, diamond, gold, emerald, iron, redstone, and lapis blocks, all ores, beacons, anvils, hoppers, mob spawners, player/mob heads, enchantment tables, crops, banners, shulker boxes, item frames, furnaces, end portals, and unlocked chests (inc unlocked chests in town! Please use /lock).

      • Mayors are expected to return active residents items under all circumstances, including if they have been kicked from the town. You may clear residents plots after 14 days, at which point they will be considered inactive. Your best option is to encourage residents to use /lock so that you can use /clearplot if they go inactive. Failing to do so will be considered griefing.
    • Overclaiming abandoned towns or unclaimed builds are not permitted. If you alter, sell, or claim a build that is not yours without the owners permission it will be considered grief. In certain circumstances, staff will give you the okay to overclaim if they can verify the abandoned build is over 6months old.

    • Scamming
      • Scamming without co-operation will almost always result in a long ban. Purposely misleading players in any way will be classified as scamming. If you don’t co-operate, we will assume you did it on purpose.

      • Agreeing upon deals, trades, services, and so forth without completing such will be considered a scam.

      • Claiming or advertising an item as something it isn’t is scamming.

      • Auctioning regular items at high prices is often considered to be you disguising it as a more valuable custom item. If this isn’t the case, simply refund the money/item. If you are unwilling, we will assume you purposely did it to mislead players.
    • Advertising Cash Transactions
      • Any transaction involving IRL money, buycraft items, or IRL trades for server items are not allowed to be advertised. This will result in a ban with length left to the severity of the situation.

      • Any transaction involving IRL money, buycraft items, or IRL trades for server items are NOT covered under the scamming rule, as they are not allowed.

    • Hacking
      • Hacking in any form, and under any circumstance will result in a long temp ban, or perm ban.

      • XRay is not allowed. This includes in ‘bundled’ mods, such as minimaps and texturepacks.

      • Using mods that are not exempt below may also result in a ban.
        • Approved Modifications
          • Optifine

          • Shaders & Texture Packs*

          • Better PvP*

          • Minimaps*

          • Schematica

          • Inventory Tweaks

          • Armour, Weapon, and Potion Status/Affects
            * These modifications may have content not permitted on the server. For example, included macros and xray are still unacceptable.
    Just incase people cant seem to find which rules were added and modified:

    - If you are at an autofarm/grinder, you must be at your keyboard and active in chat
    and/or messages. Staff will randomly message you to confirm you are in fact there.

    - Advertising using a 3rd party platform is punishable if said
    advertising is deemed directly malicious to the server.

    - Interfering with a player inside of a town by standing in the way of their build,
    knocking them out of fly, purposely stealing items with /magnet or blocking
    them with disguises is considered harassment. [modified rule]

    - Indirect grief such as luring creepers and/or withers are
    prohibited and will be treated as a severe grief.

    - You may not build next to a town. Town mayors are allowed to
    overclaim and remove your build if you do so.

    - You may not try to bypass an LWC lock, even if you think it's okay.
    Last edited: May 31, 2020
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