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Helper Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by T2theZ, Jul 13, 2018.

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  1. T2theZ

    T2theZ New Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    What is your IGN?
    Tell us your in game name and nickname, as well as your name on TeamSpeak3.
    Have you had any name changes?
    If you have please list them here.​
    1. T2theZ
    2. Fuff_Fuffelton
    3. Long_Johns_Sam
    4. T_Swizzle_Nizzle
    5. T2theFuff
    6. T2theZ

    What timezone do you live in?
    This is important when we’re planning staff meetings.
    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?
    We’re looking for honesty and whether you’ve changed, not a reason to deny you.
    I have been banned twice muted once and warned a few times.
    My first and second ban are the for the same thing i was banned originly for racist builds and the second time was for the same building wich is my most recent one the rest of the details on my ban can be found on my appeal here wich was accepted by rose
    The orginal ban was given to me 184 days ago on my history.

    i was warned for insulting a player in my defence he did steal my stuff and burn my house.
    i was accused of using curse's but from what i can remeber I didnt but if I did i did and i cant change that.
    (188ish days ago aswell)

    And my mutes where for singing bohemian rhapsody in chat. on both cases apart from hot topics but i was only joking around with guyfawkes by nicknaming myself god.
    (175 days ago)

    Even though my punishment list is quite long its also very old and in my opinon should be looked over i have figured out what to say and not say and not to over react or do stupid thing. I hope they can be ignored.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?
    Tell us in a paragraph why you would be suitable to this position, and why we should offer you an interview.
    I have been on the server for around 3 years now and ive always helped people when i can! even if i crack a bad joke first i still provide help afterwards. And when i cannont provided assistance i normally direct them to a person who can help. also i since i have been around for a long time i know alot of the server commands and plugins and how they work along with experience on other servers.

    How old are you?
    Do you meet the age requirement?
    I am 16 years old
    Tell us about yourself!
    although i dont like to talk about myself because i belive that opinons on your person and personality should come from others. but i like to think i am an energetic bouncy person from what ive been told. I am autistic though so I can be a bit slow and cant understand things very well at certain times such as sarcasm and thats all i think :p

    (P.S although i am not on discord and ts currently my mic is arriving soon and i will be i hope this can be overlooked)​
    Amy Gallatin likes this.
  2. T2theZ

    T2theZ New Member

    Mar 11, 2018
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    id like to add that i am online alot :p
  3. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Thanks for taking the time to apply! After considering your application alongside other staff, I've decided not to offer you an interview at this time. If you'd like more information on the reasoning that went into this decision you can contact me privately on the forums.
    Thread Locked.
    Duckiegames likes this.
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