i tried to set my nickname as &l&2_P&f&lD&4&lB_&8Ita but the plugin give me a message " your nickanme is too long" the bug is this, the plugin think that my name is long 22 charapters but is wrong bacause my name will be long only 8 charapters like this: _PDB_ita someone can kindly change my name please? because im not mexican and i don't want do get mistaken for a mexican, i am italian i do not eat tacos xd &l&2_P&f&lD&4&lB_&8Ita
If the message say that your nickname is too long, means no one can change it because it will be too long for everyone, i suggest tuning your name so that it will fit. Sorry for the problem but there is nothing we can do about it. D: - Steen
This isn't a bug, it's because you're using too many characters. I believe the maximum is 15 and yours uses 16, because the count includes the characters you use for colour coding it. Remove one of the colours and it should work Thread Locked. Resolved.