I started playing last year and was in a town with some people (The town no longer exists) and a player from the town has been inactive for over a year. I heard that if a player is not on for a amount of time a Staff could unlock it. I think aswell that I had somethings inside that locked chest as Shulker boxes from last year. If it is possible to unlock the chest I would like the loot. The chest is at these cords (and prof that the player has been very inactive.): The player got 2 chests (FluffyCatAvery32) my IGN: RakuOcacho (If possible to open I would like to get them in my enderchest or /chest or somethimg)
If picture not working here is cords: X 3816 Y 106 Z 2902 Edit: The player was not on for over a year.
Hey, Staff no longer unlocks chests in town. You can do /clearplot that will wipe the locks from the chest and put them in a private vault for the player to reclaim.