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A little clarification on avoiding AFK

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Fall, Sep 6, 2017.

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  1. Fall

    Fall New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Rule [12] states that you aren't allowed to use an afk machine or avoid afk

    Sorry for the constant posts but I need to have someone clarify the meaning of "no avoiding AFK." I'm starting to find the beauty in chef job, utilizing an extremely expensive setup for a hands free passive income earner. Now when I have my tatertots cooking, it really all boils down to staying near your furnaces as long as you can until you hit limit. In the meanwhile, I guess you can do anything else you'd like. I, personally, go ahead and watch movies and occasionally tab back into minecraft to check up on the furnaces and my daily money cap.

    Quite recently, I've learnt that tabbing back into minecraft from watching movies (or whatever else you're doing ;)) and checking up on your town stats, money stats, etc. is, in fact, against the rules which could lead to a severe punishment. The thing is that probably most chef earners do a similar task in waiting out the grind, and if you're waiting something out you're going need to obviously stay active on the server and not get AFK kicked. I do agree that tabbing back into minecraft and typing out a command just to reset the AFK timer is technically AFK bypassing, but recently a staff member told me that it can easily be fixed if you have: 1) Player movement (such as jumping up and down) and 2) your own text in chat (most preferably a public chat). Now I do all the three for chef job (typing in a command, player movement, and chat) but it's mainly to avoid the AFK kick. So doesn't that mean I'm still bypassing the AFK kick if I do all three? If the issue lies within the fact that I only tab back into minecraft to type in /jobs limit to reset the AFK timer, can't I just claim that I do it to make sure I don't pass my limit (making me to appear that I'm not intentionally bypassing afk limit)?

    In all honestly, for the amount of time I've spent on this server, it never occurred to me that tabbing back in to minecraft to check up on your stats was against the rules. If someone were to help clear this rule up for me, I'd be glad to play within server rules. :)

    TLDR; Typing in a command every 10 mins = bypassing AFK kick?
  2. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I used chef for like 3 hours, because of this problem I quit it.
  3. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    First off, I'm going to go about adding in a section and the types of AFK commonly associated with Minecraft and try to explain the situation you may run into.
    • Non-AFK: You need to be at your computer and paying attention to make the farm work. You shouldn't run into any problems here.
    • AFK-Positional: You can be away, but the player needs to be in a specific position, such as the situation you're explaining with the chef job.
    • Semi-AFK: You need to be constantly preforming a key or mouse press, such as at manual kill mob farms or semi automatic harvesting.
    • AFK: You can completely not worry about it and do something else while remaining online. Definitely AFK, and you should in no way be bypassing it.

    The first and last ones are pretty self explanatory. One is allowed, one is strictly not. The problem with the two in-between, is that in order to not be considered AFK bypassing, you have to be able to PROVE you're still there and performing an action, and you have to be able to prove it as needed, not when it's convenient.

    If at any time a staff member messages you and you do not answer within a set amount of time (usually 5 mins with multiple tries) then they have the right to take action. If you're unable to respond within 5 mins of obvious AFK tests [e.g. coloured messages, being moved around, etc] then you're AFK and considered to be bypassing the 15min kick.

    Why? Because gaining anything while completely AFK is not allowed. We allow AFK farms in the sense that you are online and responsive if needed. I know a lot of players 'AFK' while browsing, watching movies, etc. A lot of the time, staff don't need to interfere. However, on occasion, if you're found to be deliberately getting around the AFK kick, while being unresponsive, you're probably going to run into some problems.

    The problem with this type of farming is that you're not actually playing the server. You're just sitting online while doing something else - and building up playtime because of it. This makes it unfair to players competing for top playtime who ARE actually on the server, participating, and playing actively.

    So to answer your question - if while you're 'passively AFK' we were to message you, and you were unable to respond - we're going to consider you AFK. If this continues for >15 minutes, you're bypassing which is what we would consider 'illegal'. This goes for any type of farming/grinding.
    Fall and Esako like this.
  4. Fall

    Fall New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Thanks Rose, that cleared up most things. Now to be super super clear, I do come back to my screen to type in the command or to jump around; my question is if staff would wait until I do so or do wait in front of my characters view so I can respond. I see the problem where players can easily use AFK macros, but if I'm back at my screen when staff are trying to get my attention, and I do respond, everything should be okay right? :D

    OR would I need to be split screened so I'm constantly active?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2017
  5. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    The problem with checking in periodically to jump/type/etc is that you could just have a macro set up - we don't know if it's actually you there unless you respond to a message from us. In the case that you're being checked for AFK bypassing, the staff should be out of vanish and visible to you, and messaging you to get your attention. It's at this point that we would expect a response back - so yes if you're back at your screen while we're trying to get your attention and respond, you should be fine. :)
    Fall likes this.
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