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I would like to apply to be a helper on your server.

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Jacob Lowther, Dec 23, 2018.

  1. Jacob Lowther

    Jacob Lowther New Member

    Dec 23, 2018
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    Helper Application

    What is your IGN?
    DefensiveDuck is my minecraft username. DefensiveDuck is my Teamspeak3 username.

    Have you had any name changes?

    What timezone do you live in?
    Atlantic Standard Time.

    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?
    i have been on this server for around 10 months and i have been kicked before and muted, i was just being stupid back then and i really love this server and i would really like to start contributing to this amazing server. 1 day ago my sister was on my computer and got me a warning cause she was flooding the chat (she is 10) i told her she cannot go on my computer anymore so i got her an minecraft account and now she has his own so she will not be back on mine.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?
    I have been on this server for a long time and i am not going to say i am perfect, i was an idiot on here a while back but i have definitely changed and grown to love being on this server. I belong on the staff position because I came on this server loving the design of it (like diablo bottles and such) and from there I have been on this server long enough and not doing anything. There is not many staff on when i am playing and there are people asking questions and there is just stuff i cannot help with but if i am a helper i would love to help every person on this server. I feel like I should be helping newcomers and give them the help you guys so graciously gave me. I want to contribute to this incredible server.

    How old are you?
    I am 15 years old.

    Tell us about yourself!
    I am in grade 10 I love writing stories {i do so a lot in my free time outside of minecraft} I am not sure if they are any good but even if they do suck I love writing them anyway. There is not much else i do except play on my computer.

    I hope you approve me to be a helper, i am very passionate about this server and will not let you guys down if you do approve me.
    Thank you!

    Last edited: Dec 24, 2018
  2. Duckiegames

    Duckiegames Emperor of Prussia

    Aug 25, 2017
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    From what ive seen so far
    DefensiveDuck is a Active and helpfull person
    he is active in chat and online regulary
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2018
    KongAlex111 likes this.
  3. Jacob Lowther

    Jacob Lowther New Member

    Dec 23, 2018
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    Thank you Duckie!
  4. user6118

    user6118 New Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Hello DefensiveDuck
    At this time we are going to deny your
    application. Reasons for this decision is
    your history with using foul language in
    chat has been extensive this year, and we
    have witnessed that this has still been an
    on going issue with you.This
    is not tolerated as we have young children
    who play here and cannot risk having a
    staff member who would say such things.

    You may apply again in a few months if
    you have proven that you can control
    your language in chat, and also keep
    others off of your account. Thank you.

    [screenshot below was taken after last punishment]


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