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So i bought a beheading 3 book from someone, and whenever I try to put it on my axe, the preview of what the axe would look like doesn't show it...
My ultimate furnace broke a while ago, and Jordan replaced it many times and it still broke. I'd like to know if the plugin is still working and...
Welp, goodbye and #BoatGang on...
ive been trying to get beheading specifically, but I haven't enchanted any custom enchants in a long time. I will try again with like 100+ levels...
My artifact pick that I sold a long time ago also went from fortune 10 to fortune 3, although I assumed this was a feature, as fortune 10 would be...
oh my bad, didn't read that part.
if you died on your own, I doubt staff / Jordan would be able to get your stuff back.
imo terrible idea. This server allows schematica + its printer mode which places blocks automatically for you.
I have reported this before, but It seems just a bit too weird. Raku and I have noticed that we aren't getting any custom enchants when we enchant...
not yet. Jordan said he has to check logs
Every enchanted furnace I had placed lost its enchants, this includes: My 1 Ultimate Furnace And either a Mr. Slow or Sunday Roast Eff 2, but I...
I just accidentally clicked on the /nick purchase in the playershops despite already owning it and it used up 600 points from my points bal. Is...
yea he fixed it already I believe
I'm willing to buy each of em for 25k + if you are still selling
In Malamor, there is often some very weird "Block lag" going on where all the blocks are glitched. Its very hard to describe because it flucuates...
I right clicked my backpack and it didn't open and placed it on the floor
Naw. I agree with Drea, its iconic
tbh I think the only item worth adding to the vote crates from slimefun is the air staff. I would 100% support adding that to the vote crates....
Mayor of Malamor
So I voted yesterday night and today while I was offline and when I came online I did not receive any keys. It should be around 7 votes combined...