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Denied. You will be banned from the website.
Hello again. This is the third and final time that I will deny your appeal. Jordan has been notified about my decision to deny your appeal(s) and...
This is also pending until Jordan replies.
This appeal is pending until Jordan replies to it which is why no staff has tended to it.
Hello DefensiveDuck At this time we are going to deny your application. Reasons for this decision is your history with using foul language in...
Are you still interested in this position?
Hello, I can't see to find your information on the server with the usernames provided. At this time we are going to deny this application. Feel...
Denied due to history.
Hello. At this time we're going to deny your application due to inactivity on the server. When you return, you're welcome to reapply. Thank you.
Add me on discord as well so we can start the interview process when Jordan is home. Deaviola#4848
Double check that chat is enabled on your client
To my knowledge, I don't believe that the server has crashed recently to cause a rollback. It may be because of the last rollback a week or so ago...
I will look into to this and reply with updates.
Due to more reports of grief, that have been done by you. Your ban has been extended. Read the rules upon returning to the server after you ban....
Minor grief, yet still over 12 blocks. Issued 2 day ban, usual preferred ban is 3-5 day. Please refer back to the rules and read the allowed...
I think it would be neat to add the Lucky Block plugin. If you're not sure about what it is, its basically a yellow head with white question...