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This will most likely as drea said be on the client's wich the server cant do alot about just wait a few minutes and then join and it should work...
We Will put this to resolved however if its not resolved please re-create the post
we will put this to resolved if it however is still not resolved please re-create the thread
Due to mutiple Updates and things being fixed we will put this to resolved if it however is still not resolved please re-create the thread
Il put this post in Resolved then :) -Resolved
Hello bever We have thought about this idea for a looong time. I think the best option is to put it either in the vote crates with a small...
yes Boop +1 giving this a boost ;):oops::p:rolleyes:
Mod Application ~-~-~-~-~-~ What is your IGN? Berengaria DuckieGames on ts Have you had any name changes? I am mainly know asDuckiegames the other...
Welcome back to the server ! :)
Kieran will make payville great again :P
it does read the rules :p
Builder Application ~-~-~-~-~-~ What is your IGN? Berengaria aka Duckie had mutiple changes but not recently What timezone do you live in? CET...
For the first time in forever id stay yes aswell but ranks and titles should stay ofc
i like dat
This also happend to my mall all slabs/Stairs OfEVERY Kind are gone Wool,Glowestone,WitherSkulls,all ores and many other items have just vanished );