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The worlds are old and natural spawns are shared between everyone, so they're usually clogged up with the countless Guardian farms running. That...
RIP double MCMMO weekend... /bump (been 2 months, still a problem)
You don't get the old vote points anymore, they're given to you directly in-game now. If you had an account on the old enjin site you can convert...
I feel obligated to [IMG]
Any kind of interest system would be bad for the economy, as it would just hand out money for doing nothing
A few more perks would be nice, but nothing too game-changing or overpowered that make donating an obvious Pay-to-win on the server (referring to...
Vote points used to be stored on the old Enjin site instead of in-game. That was added to convert the site points to in-game points for the new...
With the recent mess-up with Towny removing all players from their towns, it's made it rather difficult for some larger towns to get back on their...
Town: Remnant IGN: Aflakk
Can't really ruin an economy that isn't there. Shops that *try* to sell Shulker boxes have none in stock, and those with a large supply (like...
With the (re)introduction of Diablo Shrines in the latest Miningworld reset, I've been thinking that it could be taken further to address some...
Thanks for apparently not even reading the question I asked. Really helped out
Add 40 Towny Blocks appear to be missing from the donation store. Is it a vote-point only purchase now or is this a bug?
Using a Dropper with an item frame on the front with the item you want to craft are broken. Doing this causes the dropper to just consume the...
Potato crops are not giving any herbalism experience for MCMMO. I first noticed this around a week ago but didn't report it then because I wasn't...
There's a dialog/signs during the parkour to use those commands to set checkpoints for yourself in case you fall off - but the commands don't work.
May just be the hub, because connecting to will not let me login. Was able to get back by connecting via...
May just be me (doubt it), but is the server/host having issues right now? Unable to connect to the server and all I get is the screen saying...
/op set and /op go don't work on the parkour
My post is probably as close as you're going to get from staff though, as this is a suggestion that's been made many, many times. There's been...