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Seems as you know what you were muted for then you know we aren't going to unmute you. Players have been banned for things like this, you know....
I don't know much about him and have never heard of him until recently. -1 for me.
I vote for this player to be Helper more than any other candidate. Very nice person! +1
Hello Chad. The same thing happened to me like two days ago. This should be fixed soon enough. @Jordan
Hey Muppety, I have looked at your history and you have a decent history of punishments for someone who has only just joined the server. A Helper...
The mypet bug has been fixed. If you're under the Noble rank then you cannot ride pets as you need the Noble+ rank to ride them....
The Amarr Mall is open very soon! Visit the Amarr Mall for cheap prices and more!
Hello, Destructive. In what way are the Dirty Gems broken?
Very inspirational!
Hey there, Chad. Even though we have plenty of staff members as of right now it's still nice to see players like you willing to help the server....
Putting Muffin above me? 0/10 </3
I like you as a player as you seem to be one of the more mature ones, which is good especially when you're only 14 years of age. The only things...
You're not on the banlist and if you've been banned for that long then I feel like you should be given another chance. Being banned for four years...
Hi ohlina, welcome to the community! Message me when you see me on sometime. I'm currently looking for a builder to build for me in my town, in...
For every man there is a purpose which he sets up in his life, let yours be the doing of all good deeds.
There are so many bugs that need to be fixed and should be fixed soon. @Kieranlb05
Thank you for reporting this. There is a stacking bug where items that are not supposed to stack actually stacks and stackable items that do not...
I lost my items in JipJaws' town when my items were on the ground when I returned. It was way less than 30 seconds.
Everything was burnt so it just said #fire.