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10/kittens intro
HEY! My IGN is KalleKingKong and I enjoy Minecraft A LOT. How I found this server? well... It's a loooooong story. First I started playing...
Its to bucket right before you hit the ground.
When you Are attempting to start an auc 2 times the second will be refused. then the items in the second auc will dissapear. :O
They ask me how I am I just have to say fine, but I'm not really fine I just can't get into it cause would they never understand.
Its hard do MLG bucket cause the water lags a bit before placing down, is there anything to fix this?
If you start 2 as at the same time, the second item will disappear. That was how I lost my arti ;_; plz fix ths
Have the ability do /duel with custom kits or the current inventory You will not lose your stuff or XP if you do the current inventory kit, and...