FIRST I DONT WANT TO ARGUE ON THIS THREAD, I JUST WANT TO GET CLEAR CUT ANSWERS TO WHAT SOME RULES ARE AND HOW TO INTERPRET OTHERS. can we get a clear answer on the following rules. Even staff who know the rules are telling people different things 1. 50 hoppers per person TOTAL or per 25 chunks OR PER 50 chunks? There are several answers being given to people on this issue. How do we count hoppers when we make a build for someone else? How about for a town grinder? Who “owns” those? 2. Raiding in wild ok yes, but some are saying not right next to a town others are saying all wild. So if someone has half a house in the wils and half in town the wild half can be raided? 2. Alts. This is a controversy and I don’t want it to be. Alts can’t bypass limits, I understand that. Some people have been told it is ok to job cap on main and alt as long as items and money are NOT transferred between players, now it seems as though this is not the rule. If a player has 3, 4 or more jobs, they could very well jobcap in an hour so then what, they can’t do anything but chat for the rest of the 19 hours until job cap resets? Their alt can’t even get money doing jobs so why bother having an alt. Some sceneries: How do you know if someone is an alt or a sibling or friend? When I was staff, we watched 2 players which required 2 staff to be talking on TS to be watching both players to make sure one wasn’t an alt abusing the 2 alts on at same time thing. It was clear that they were 2people as they were doing different things at the same time. It was siblings so no rule broken. Another time, we did a dupe IP on a few players cause it seemed like alt abusing and found like 6-8 people on at the same time on the same IP playing. That’s almost impossible to have staff coordinating watching all those players at the same time. Lucky one staff member remembered one of the players saying there was a group of kids who played together after school as a club thing. Again, no rule broken. How would someone know? My son plays the server too. What’s to stop me from job capping as me than getting on as him to job cap and give me the money? We are “married” in game (as I’m sure other people are with their alts) he can give me stuff easily and legally according to the rules. How do you know it’s him playing and not me if we both aren’t on at the same time? I wouldn’t do that cause A I never know when he has a study hall and wants to jump on for a little bit, B it is sneaky and not cool to use a valid other player ( sibling, child, parent etc) account to go around a huge loophole n the rules. You cant say that my son can’t give me his $70K a day or I can’t give it to him if we are saving up for a big item like a god pic or an artifact item etc. anyone could say their alt is a sibling etc and even have someone jump on as that alt to show its 2 people but it really is just 1. You have no way of knowing. Maybe it’s siblings who share a computer and they can’t be on at the same time so that’s why you only see 1on at a time. Do you see the problems. These rules either are unclear or there are many “what if’s”and unique situations that make the alt rule a very muddy situation. Like I said, I DONT want to start an argument or cause controversy, I’m just asking for a clear cut answer on the alt rule as there are many situations where it could be seen as alt abusing but is in actuality very legal and no one is breaking any rules
Speaking as former staff, I'd also like clarification on all of this. I'd especially like clarification on the rules regarding alts because even during my time before staff as a regular player there was a lot of conflicting information going around about it.
I'm not too sure what's so hard to understand about the rules. If you read them they make perfect sense. I've edited the first rule for you. 1 ) This rule is only enforced if someone builds a huge hopper machine that has 100s of hoppers. The plugin detects hoppers in an area. If you have 2 separate bases around 60 Chunks* away then you can have 50 in each other. 2 ) 1 Chunk outside the town is the wild. It clearly states in the rules you can raid raidable blocks in the wild. 3. It clearly states in the rules you can't use an alt to bypass ANY limits. Such as Jobs caps.