Helper Application ~-~-~-~-~-~ What is your IGN? cooljoe5889 Have you had any name changes? No, not since I have joined DifferentCraft What timezone do you live in? Eastern Standard Time Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why? Yes, I have. All of the following punishments are temporary unless stated otherwise. *I have been warned and banned for scamming with "map art" (it was a map of the town), I repaid the victim/'scam-ee' the day I got unbanned or the day after. *I was muted two times for spamming: "I wonder if Kieran will mute me if I keep spamming this message in chat." The first time was by Phiffan and the last mute was issued by Kieran. *After Phiffan muted me, I auctioned a written book that said something along the lines of: "Put the words that are in quotes in chat 'I'm having a fun time being muted ~ CoolJoe.' " ***I am not going to include my warnings because they aren't punishments. Why do you feel you belong in this staff position? I want to help the members of DifferentCraft. I know that I can help through the Global Chat, but I want to actually have a responsibility to helping the DifferentCrafters on the server. I have intermediate knowledge of the LWC, Towny, Diablo, Slimefun, and MyPet plugins (slightly less familiar with MyPet than all of the other plugins). The parts of the plugins that I do not yet know or fully understand, I will try my best to learn them as quickly as possible. Also, I took what Keiran said into consideration and I have started acting more helpful and encouraging to the other players on the server. How old are you? I am 14 years old, my birthday is July 13th. Tell us about yourself! I am currently a Freshman (9th Grade) at AL Brown HS. When I'm not there or playing Minecraft, then I'm usually either at a school game or at my friends' house. I have two dogs, they're names are Buttercup (Boxer/Lab mix) and Jack (Mountain Feist). Jack was actually found in the woods tied to a tree with twine, abandoned. Anyway, so we took Jack home (after we took him to the vet ) and that's why we now have two dogs . I used to be in the Boy Scouts, I left though because the 'troop' was already starting to come to an end. One last thing, my real name is Korbn (not Charles Finley ). Thank you for reading my application! Please, let me know if there are any questions that arise while reading this application, I'll be glad to clear 'em up. NOTE: This is NOT my account, but my friend lets me use it with pretty much full access (except for username and skin) Submitted @ 2:53 on October 1st, 2017