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CoolJoe's Staff Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by CoolJoe, Oct 1, 2017.

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  1. CoolJoe

    CoolJoe Hydra Leader

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Helper Application

    What is your IGN?

    Have you had any name changes?
    No, not since I have joined DifferentCraft

    What timezone do you live in?

    Eastern Standard Time

    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?
    Yes, I have. All of the following punishments are temporary unless stated otherwise.

    *I have been warned and banned for scamming with "map art" (it was a map of the town), I repaid the victim/'scam-ee' the day I got unbanned or the day after.
    *I was muted two times for spamming: "I wonder if Kieran will mute me if I keep spamming this message in chat." The first time was by Phiffan and the last mute was issued by Kieran.
    *After Phiffan muted me, I auctioned a written book that said something along the lines of: "Put the words that are in quotes in chat 'I'm having a fun time being muted ~ CoolJoe.' "
    ***I am not going to include my warnings because they aren't punishments.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?

    I want to help the members of DifferentCraft. I know that I can help through the Global Chat, but I want to actually have a responsibility to helping the DifferentCrafters on the server. I have intermediate knowledge of the LWC, Towny, Diablo, Slimefun, and MyPet plugins (slightly less familiar with MyPet than all of the other plugins). The parts of the plugins that I do not yet know or fully understand, I will try my best to learn them as quickly as possible. Also, I took what Keiran said into consideration and I have started acting more helpful and encouraging to the other players on the server.

    How old are you?
    I am 14 years old, my birthday is July 13th.

    Tell us about yourself!

    I am currently a Freshman (9th Grade) at AL Brown HS. When I'm not there or playing Minecraft, then I'm usually either at a school game or at my friends' house. I have two dogs, they're names are Buttercup (Boxer/Lab mix) and Jack (Mountain Feist). Jack was actually found in the woods tied to a tree with twine, abandoned. Anyway, so we took Jack home (after we took him to the vet :) ) and that's why we now have two dogs ;). I used to be in the Boy Scouts, I left though because the 'troop' was already starting to come to an end. One last thing, my real name is Korbn (not Charles Finley :) ).

    Thank you for reading my application! Please, let me know if there are any questions that arise while reading this application, I'll be glad to clear 'em up.

    NOTE: This is NOT my account, but my friend lets me use it with pretty much full access (except for username and skin)

    Submitted @ 2:53 on October 1st, 2017
  2. James

    James Active Member

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Due to your punishment history on the server, we won't be going ahead with this application, Sorry
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