So I finally was able to come back on this lovely server I call home and I decided to go out /rtp with my elytra (Unbreaking/Mending) and fly around for a bit, see what I can find. All of a sudden my screen freezes then I get KICKED for flying.... even though the elytra is allowed. Now im not just gonna rage quit over it but I find it quite impactful on my stay here as well as my survival since I had LOTS of good gear on me at the time. If theres any way I can get my stuff back, would be much appreciated!
Ah man that’s rough, I’ll pass this along to the staff chat and see if someone would be willing to assist you.
I don’t think much can be done about this I’m afraid, to prevent this in future /rankup to get /back on death If I see you I’ll be happy to hook you up with a new elytra