Helper Application ~-~-~-~-~-~ What is your IGN? "JP1776" is my IGN, I dont have TeamSpeak but my Discord is "ThyWeirdChicken" Have you had any name changes? Nope. What timezone do you live in? Eastern standard time. Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why? No I haven't. Why do you feel you belong in this staff position? I feel like I could help the server and the people on it in some ways. How old are you? I'm 14. Tell us about yourself! I have two cats, next year i'll be a high school freshman, I love nature and the outdoors. I am home schooled so I'm fairly active unless I have other plans or I get behind on school work. I also love video games, and sports.
You don't have teamspeak which is needed for all staff. I don't see you talking in global chat a lot and your application is really short :/ I say to apply again in 2-3 weeks after you get teamspeak and are more active in the community in global chat and teamspeak. You're nice but you don't seem ready to me.