Helper Application ~-~-~-~-~-~ What is your IGN? Jacy1221, TS: Jacy1221 Have you had any name changes? Princesscelest11 to Jacy1221 What timezone do you live in? Central Standard How active are you? During school days 3:30 pm to 7:00 pm Weekends 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why? I have received a punishment for destroying a town members plot, but I regret that decision. I will never do that again. Why do you feel you belong in this staff position? Tell us in a paragraph why you would be suitable to this position, and why we should offer you an interview. Why I would be suitable for this position is because I am active all the time after school, I help as many people on the server as I can. I am trust worthy. I am caring, loving, and helping, and I show a lot of respect to the staff. I started playing on this server on September 16, 2017, and I have been active on here ever since. How old are you? Do you meet the age requirement? 13 Tell us about yourself! Include anything you want us to know about you outside of Minecraft. I love to go swimming in the summer time. I love riding English on horses. I play the violin. I write romance children books. In my spare time I like to watch movies with my family or play on Differentcraft. I have 2 dogs and a cat
‘And I show a lot of respect to the staff’ how about the community overal In my eyes you are too young. Not in an immature way, but rather in an ‘emotional’ way. This is good for a person, but you’ll ‘bite’ too much if someone gives a reaction to you. You will instant go mad sometimes. I love you as a player, but you should not be helper in my eyes. Also: you are not on teamspeak, are you? Again: nothing against u personally! <3