What is your IGN? AaronDrago0195 Have you had any name changes? I have but i've been playing Minecraft since 2012 so I forgot almost all of them. What timezone do you live? Eastern Standard Time. How active are you? 8/10 - 10/10 Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why? No. Why do you feel you belong in this staff position? I think I should be on the staff time of DifferentCraft because I love helping out communities. I also am committed to keep exploiters off our server and rule breakers contained from breaking our rules and guidelines. I would appreciate it very much if you considered me to be on the staff team here on DifferentCraft. How old are you? 14. Tell us about yourself! I like to listen to Hip-Hop and Rock music a little bit. I'm 14 and I recently started playing minecraft again from my half year break. I will be getting a Gaming PC for christmas and plan on recording here on DifferentCraft. I live in OH, in the great country of the USA.
I play everyday and I don't even know you. If you're just looking around for servers that will just accept you, I don't think it will work here. If that's not the case and you're genuinely interested in helping, good luck then.