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Myths on AFKing? How to identify if someones AFK and how to report them

Discussion in 'Everything Towny!' started by Fluffy, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. Fluffy

    Fluffy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Hey guys, so I decided to do multiple tests to see what is classed as avoiding AFK kick

    The first one I decided to test was if railways would avoid AFK Kick. I set up a loop of railway in a loop to see if it kicked me for moving constanly. I left my minecraft account roaming in the minecart and after timing myself for 15 minutes, I was kicked by the console automatically so railways Kick you For being afk

    The 2nd thing that I tested is if mobs pushing you would be kicked. I again timed myself for 15 minutes and placed myself in a middle of a spawner, flying while mobs would push me. After 15 minutes, I was still on the server so it doesn't kick you meaning that if you are pushed by an entity the AFK timer will be reset, meaning if you push someone once in a while is avoiding AFK timer, or asking them to do that.

    There are lots of other ways that are classed as AFK that I already know as. Here are a list of things that are classed as AFK

    AFK Pools - This is a weird pool that flows you constantly in a circle. We can infer from this by making a loop of flowing water will make you avoid AFK kick also

    AFK Fence - This is when you constantly jump on a fence while water is flowing. This is because the fence is a different block from a normal block and that is why you jump, its similar to the AFK pool

    AFK Fishing - This is when you leave a macro (Hacks) to constantly be fishing and gaining fish. Because you are constantly fishing and putting your fishing rod in, you are resetting the AFK Kick time. The way its set up makes the player catch fish, because normally when someone fishes, when they right click they remove and place their rod into the water.

    AFK Walking - This is when someone sets a macro or uses a controller to walk in a specific direction. They may do this to avoid afk Kick because they are constantly moving.

    Methods that are not AFK

    Writing a book - Some people who write a book know how annoying it is when you get kicked for writing a book, although you are typing.

    Playing Minecraft - I think you know how to play Minecraft

    Chatting - on the game or on Minechat, it wont kick you, unless you go silent for 15 minutes straight

    What to do if you spot someone AFK

    First of all, if there are staff present, create a ticket so staff can be a witness

    Staff will normally try to talk to the player to get a response.

    If staff aren't present, install a cheap, recording software on your PC that is free.

    Start recording for 15 minutes to make sure they didn't accidently stay there to test it, if they are normally under 15 minutes and they respond, staff normally give a warning and asks for the thing to be removed.

    If recording is a success, simply make a report stating that the person was avoiding AFK kick. Because you recorded for 15 minutes, the staff will know that they were avoiding the AFK kick and will ban them for Avoiding AFK kick.

    What if you discover a machine that is used for AFKing?

    If you are allowed to build in the area of the AFK Machine, then remove the machine from the town

    If you are just a resident, get a staff to check who built it and they may message the person who built it to remove it.

    If your a town staff and you find someone using it, remove the AFK Machine and tell them that its wrong to use the AFK machine to avoid being kicked .


    This was purely for research and to help new people who decide to report people to decide whether or not the AFK is actually avoiding AFK kick. I understand that some of you may have report me, but I specifically timed myself for 15 minutes and removed myself from the AFK area. The first two were ones that I tested. I admit that I was AFK but I wont do it again, it was simply to find out if something was AFK or not. The AFK Pool and AFK Fishing I knew about, and didn't do them. Remember AFKing is bad and you will be punished for it as people will find out.

  2. Animefan0621

    Animefan0621 God of Ramen

    Jan 18, 2018
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    what about boats? or would that basically the same thing as the railway?

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