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Reimi_dies' Helper Application.

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Reimi_dies, Mar 29, 2020.

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  1. Reimi_dies

    Reimi_dies New Member

    Mar 24, 2019
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    Helper Application
    What is your IGN?

    Before, it was Grimm_Stone, I applied in the past, now my account is Reimi_Dies.
    Discord: grim_#8647

    Have you had any name changes?
    My account I first joined on was Grimm_Stone, but now I use the account Reimi_dies.
    Name Changes for Reimi_dies:

    What timezone do you live in?

    How active are you?
    I'm active almost all the time on weekends, and can get on for at least 4 hours a day on the weekdays. This is with school. Without school, I can be on almost 24/7.

    Have you received any punishments before, and if so, why?
    Not on any server, ever.

    Why do you feel you belong in this staff position?
    I have been on this server for almost over a year now, and no matter what the staff have always been great and active. I am a friendly face to everyone, and will help anybody out that need it, and let new players know that it is there. Not only am I strict when I need to be, but I can always bring a laugh to people's faces. I have had experience in being staff in the past, being an admin on a modpack and a builder on another. I am always active on discord. I hope I can assist in helping this server grow, and flourish more than it already is!

    How old are you?
    I'm 15, but quite mature for my age.

    Tell us about yourself!

    Outside of Minecraft, I enjoy writing fantasy genre pieces, painting, and I have a great passion in music and theatre. I work with children, at a daycare to help out in my town. In my opinion, apple juice is the best drink no matter how old you are, aha. I'm an all honors student, and am very passionate and committed to things I put my mind too. I hope we can all get to know each other more regardless if I get the job or not :).
    AdamSPA likes this.
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Wandering Weeb

    Jul 22, 2019
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    +1 have heard good things from other staff about you and have seen u on helping players new and old quite a bit
    You have previous experience with the server being an older player too so theres an extra :p
    AdamSPA likes this.
  3. neyastar

    neyastar melon waifu ♡

    May 26, 2019
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    Became more active when I suggested it, a really sweet player and is often see helping other players. +1

    - Neya
    AdamSPA likes this.
  4. AdamSPA

    AdamSPA Mayor of EcoCity, King of EcoNation

    Sep 29, 2017
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    Definitely a +1 from me !
    You are kind and helpful, active and I think Helper fits perfectly for you.
    Good luck !


  5. User95929

    User95929 Active Member

    Apr 26, 2018
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    Hello after giving you an interview on discord, I believe that you are knowledgeable and mature enough to be a helper on DifferentCraft. Congratulations and welcome to the staff team.

    Application Approved.
    Dark_cougar likes this.
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