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September Build Competition

Discussion in 'General Discussion!' started by Kyronomix, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. Kyronomix

    Kyronomix New Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    Hey everyone, Kyro here.

    I recently talked to Wuphe and Rose and they agreed it would be a cool idea to hold a building competition for the month of September.

    There are some rules you will have to follow, and some other things you will want to know! Please make sure to read all of the rules so you can be sure that your build is an acceptable entry into the competition!

    You may be wondering what is in it for you?

    Well, after talking to Wuphe I have decided to give out a prize from the store, to benefit you on the server. This prize is $10 spent on Donator rank, if you do not already have it, or any other item/items equivalent if you already have acquired the Donator rank.


    So this will go pretty in depth, I want to make sure everyone understands that ANY violation of these rules with end in disqualification of the competition with no chance of winning at all.

    1. No inappropriate builds whatsoever, this includes but is not limited to anything racist, crude, or anything else showing hatred toward a religion or group of people.
    2. No tutorial builds. Do not watch a tutorial online for your build. If you watch one as a guideline, that is acceptable.
    3. Reply to this thread to let me know you are entering. If you do not do so, you will be deducted 5 points of the top score.
    4. Do not bribe or attempt to bribe the judges.
    5. No stealing build ideas from other players. Do not try to claim their build.
    6. No double entry. You may only enter ONE build in the competition.
    7. The build can be any size, any number of buildings. The more complex, the better.
    8. The build MUST be built in the month of September, no old builds will be accepted.
    9. Teams ARE allowed. No more than 2 people per team. Make sure to say in a reply to this thread who you are working with. The prize will be split between the two of you, $5 each.
    10. Entries MUST be in by the 30th of September. No exceptions.
    11. The scoring system is non-negotiable.

    Scoring System:

    The scoring system is based on four categories.

    These include:
    • Complexity - 10 pts possible - The more complex, the better.
    • Detail - 10 pts possible - Decorations mostly, how much time did you take making it look pretty.
    • Design - 10 pts possible - Is the build pleasing to the eyes, if so, is it neat and orderly.
    • Originality - 10 pts possible - Was influence taking from a tutorial or was it designed as it was built.
    With three judges, this puts the points total at 120 points. The player/team with the highest score will win the prize. The top three builds will be announced October 2nd, 2017. We will then open it up to the fellow plays to judge who of the three deserves the prize.

    REMEMBER, this is not a favoritism vote. Do not just vote for your favorite player or your friend. Please vote for who you truly believes has the best build in terms of these 4 categories.

    Judging Team:

    The judges can NOT enter in the competition. You have no worry that they will score themselves higher than yourself.

    The judging team includes:
    • Kyronomix
    • RedstoneDesigner
    • Kieran
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2017
    User3051 and redstonedesigner like this.
  2. Xxepic_gamerxX

    Xxepic_gamerxX Epic Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Well, if i could build I definitely would participate GL to everyone who is gonna enter/already has entered
  3. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    I think this is a great idea! Lots of great builders on the server :)
    Good luck to all.
    Kyronomix likes this.
  4. Kyronomix

    Kyronomix New Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    Thanks rose! I thought of it after viewing a lot of the city spawns and shops!
  5. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Good luck with your event! I'll try to help spread the word :)
  6. redstonedesigner

    redstonedesigner Happy to help!

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Good luck to everyone who enters!
  7. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Can I enter with my Holy Rose Shrine?
  8. Kyronomix

    Kyronomix New Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    When was the build created?
  9. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    The newest version which I want to enter with, yesterday. I made it with a player called Pazza626.
  10. Kyronomix

    Kyronomix New Member

    Aug 29, 2017
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    Then yes, you may enter it. Remember, you only have on entry so make sure that is the build you'd like to enter!

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