My name Is BrokenArrows2002 in game, And I have looked at /staff sometimes, and I havn't seen some helpers then and then, and then I looked at the website, and I saw that theres not so many helpers left. So I might be a help to the staff, And I wanna do more things at DifferentCraft, souch as Helper and help other people, I know most of the commands and I love to help other people. I have played at the server since 9th december 2016. So its exactly one year ago I joined the Server, And I have played a lot and just love it. So I would be very happy if you made me to helper! XDDD
Hello BrokenArrows2002! Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of our staff team! Please reapply using the proper application for helper, copy and paste from link below: Thank you and goodluck! <3