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Where are all of the animals??

Discussion in 'Everything Towny!' started by Remarkable1, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. Remarkable1

    Remarkable1 New Member

    Apr 14, 2018
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    I've asked this several times in chat, and one mod told me there were animals 'everywhere,' but I have literally traveled over 3 thousand square blocks in every direction of my town in the wild and found NO animals. Not one cow, pig, sheep, horse, llama or anything else.

    The only except is a few chickens.

    Breeding animals is part of the farming job. It's really hard to justify keeping that job (yes, I know you can switch, but it's one of the easiest ones when you're getting started and fun to do) when half the job is down the tubes.

    PLEASE advise where I can find at least a couple of animals of cows, sheep and pigs to get me started, or where I can buy spawn eggs that work. I'm very discouraged by this because it's one of the reasons I moved on from my last server and no one would give me a straight answer.

    If you've found animals, please tell me where so I can barter or capture a couple! Thank you!

    If you don't know why, just say so. This issue is really bugging me.

    Thank you. Sincerely, Remarkable1
  2. Aflakk

    Aflakk Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    The worlds are old and natural spawns are shared between everyone, so they're usually clogged up with the countless Guardian farms running. That is why you won't find many animals around the Old/New Towny worlds. Best bet for you would be to /rtp around in the Miningworld and MyPet animals (kill them with a Lead) then release them back in your town to breed later.
  3. Remarkable1

    Remarkable1 New Member

    Apr 14, 2018
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    HI! I'm not sure what you mean, but I will see if I can try that. Can you be more specific? Kill them with a lead and re-spawn? I'll try it on my own, just not sure how it all works quite yet.

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