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Who hates accidentally breaking their Relics by adding an enchantment?

Discussion in 'General Discussion!' started by Disciple Gizmo, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Disciple Gizmo

    Disciple Gizmo New Member

    Jan 28, 2018
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    I do. Some of us oblivious, poor unfortunate souls who have obtained a relic have tried to add Strength IV or even Soulbound to your relic, thinking that your relic (rip tripping hazard) would be stronger than ever! The fact that this server has no way to circumvent that is astonishing. I've even seen a valentines day bow I believe that has a warning in the lore to NOT edit it. Why not just protect it? I think that such an issue should not occur, especially based on how difficult it is to obtain it.

    Jordan, I offer you a plugin. I paid to get this plugin developed to stop people from editing items that would break when edited in the anvil. The plugin is called ItemProtect, and it's extremely simple to use and does not require you to delve into the configuration. To use it, simply type /ip define <item name with color codes>. The item with that exact name will now be completely uneditable, and can not be ruined by renaming it or adding enchantments.

    If you make any effort to contact me about this, I will happily share the source code and jar file. This goes for anyone, Jordan or not, but this is mostly directed at Jordan.
  2. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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