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____Dog____'s Ban Appeal :)

Discussion in 'Approved' started by King_Roach, Oct 2, 2017.

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  1. King_Roach

    King_Roach New Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    What is your IGN?
    My Name is ____Dog____ but i am changing it to King_Roach very soon

    When were you punished?
    Well I wasn't online when I was banned, but it was some time between 3 and 6, Central Time Zone, US
    Who by?

    What offence did you commit?
    All it said was that i scammed, but my brother got online and figured out it was because i killed Alec (i dont really know his name, so something like Al3, or whatever) But by the way, when you kicked diamondplayer5, that was my brother. but we share the same ip router address, so some staff banned him, (sorry bro xD) But anyways, i was hired by BoredandAwkward to kill this Al3 guy, and so i said that i needed help building a house, which was completely honest, i really did need a house lol, so i have him tp to me, and then he tps this guy called Satan, and so since i was going to kill Al3, obviously he brought satan to kill me, because i had a timer going for 5 min to kill Al3 (thats completely legal btw, since i didnt tp kill) so after i kill Al3., By the way he had absolutely nothing on him, so how was he supposed to build me a house? hmmm (obviously setting me up) then satan kills me right afterward, so it sounds like it was a 2 way offense.

    Why should we accept your appeal?
    I truly thought i wasn't doing a single thing wrong, i looked at the rules, i even did a /ds create just to ask how long i had to wait before killing someone, and i once again looked at the rules and i truly didn't see anything that i did wrong, but i promise i will never accept a killing job in my entire Differentcraft career. And plus i wasn't even on when i got banned so i had no say into what happened it was entirely just Al3's word, which knowing his past of theft and deception, i dont know why anyone would believe him anyways.

    Additional comments.
    Honestly, i meant no harm in what i did, i just had a job, and i thought i wasnt doing anything wrong, all my town knows im just a guy who grows tators and cooks em for money, and btw (off topic) thanks to kieran for loaning me an ultimate furnace! :D i would greatly appreciate if u accepted my appeal, and i wont use my power for assassination any more. Also, im not sure, but i dont believe jordanwilliams was even online during what happened, so that kinda ticks me off that i got banned for 6 days, entirely off of some random guys word. Thank you for your time!
    Kee likes this.
  2. NicolasLynn

    NicolasLynn World Champion

    Sep 12, 2017
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    RIP he is in my town and i do see he did nothing wrong its the thing that he wasn't online part that seems unfair. Also this shouldn't be scamming due to No money was involved and nothing was lost. Im not trying to be bias because hes in my town however I do feel like this needs to be reviewed deeper. Anyways I have no say in staff just want to give my opinion.
  3. Fluffy

    Fluffy Active Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I wouldn't put things such as Emojis in your ban appeal, makes people think your happy to make the ban appeal.

    He has killed someone so someone killed him

    He was scamming by asking for a service, such as him building a house, which required him to come to you.

    You then killed him, and admitted you were told to kill him and then you were killed.

    So in summery you were told to kill someone, you accepted this, you asked them to tp to you and you kept a timer in real life for 5 minutes to kill him, but when you killed him, he killed you
  4. Satans

    Satans New Member

    Oct 1, 2017
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    I was there, he obviously scammed Al3c. I didn't want to kill ya man, but what u did (for money or not) was really sad.
    Kee likes this.
  5. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    I'm unaware of the circumstances regarding your ban, however please be aware misleading players is still considered scamming, even if no items or money was lost. To quote the rule;
    So if you had them TP to build you a house, and then killed them, it is indeed considered scamming.

    The owner (or another staff member who is next in contact with him) will get back to you ASAP regarding your ban.

    In the meantime I'll be locking the thread to avoid any arguments.

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  6. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    I've spoken to the necessary people regarding your ban, and it's been decided that you will be unbanned early. What you did is still an offence, against the rules, and bannable. However, as you said, it was a two way offence and you've served part of your time. I highly suggest reading through the rules here prior to returning.
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