This is my idea for a Halloween event. It is called 4 Days of Darkness Whats included? Mobs that spawn in the wilderness will have double strength and double health. They will be hard to take on Mobs will wear a skull of their head with red Eyes (To show they are powered up) There will be no night time (You could do this with a command block with a daylight sensor) Killing one of these "Powered up" mobs will sometimes reward you with special loot, which can contain a range of good loot to bad loot. Wither Skeletons with pumpkin heads will roam the wilderness with pumpkin heads. So What do you think?
"There will be no night time (You could do this with a command block with a daylight sensor)" I assume you meant no day time? But regardless, we DO have a halloween event already planned, but are just waiting on the finishing touches. It should be with you any day now! Hope you guys enjoy it!
To add to what Esako said, if you have ideas or suggestions for events they should be given a few months in advance to the event itself.
Possible! We've done something similar in the past where mobs wear pumpkins on their head and drop trick or treat boxes.