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Remove locked chests for raiding?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by SirFartsAlot2001, Sep 2, 2017.


Should locked chests open if a town falls?

  1. Yes! That would be cool!


  1. SirFartsAlot2001

    SirFartsAlot2001 New Member

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Im fairly new to the server and have noticed when raiding alot of chests are locked. I was wondering if the server could implement some system for them. Like when a town falls they auto unlock or maybe if thats too hard then a player could call apon a staff member who has the permissions to open up chests. This would really help players get good items or extra materials and also boost the economy since more OP will be in circulation and not locked in inactive player chests. Thanks!

  2. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    This is something that will most likely not be implemented. Many users return to the server after a period of inactivity and like to still have their things which have been locked in the wild. Unlocking when a town falls is not a good option either, many users are still active when towns fall. Our intention is not to force people into creating towns - rather provide it as a popular option and encourage it without any severe repercussions. People are still permitted to live in the wild should they so choose, and should not have to worry about protected containers being raided.
    Duckiegames likes this.
  3. mosabsomaer

    mosabsomaer Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    bad idea
  4. CoolJoe

    CoolJoe Hydra Leader

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Maybe to /lock a chest outside of a town, there should be a fee of some sort. That way, it cost money to protect your stuff in the wild :D!
    SirFartsAlot2001 and mosabsomaer like this.
  5. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    This would be pretty unfair to new players who don't have money or a town yet. I imagine new players being raided because they can't afford to protect their things would drive a lot of people away from the server.
    Duckiegames likes this.
  6. CoolJoe

    CoolJoe Hydra Leader

    Sep 24, 2017
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    Raidable chests=driving people away=bad lol
  7. farleyeccles

    farleyeccles Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    counter offer what if there was a item called lockpick that can unlock locked chest only in the wild
  8. Kitsara

    Kitsara Treasure Hunter

    Oct 9, 2017
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    Totally against the idea. /lock is there for a reason. Sure, it might be nice to get those chests that are just taunting you because someone locked them. But it ultimately pulls away from the friendliness of the server. It's bad enough when a plugin reset unlocks everything and you have to go back and relock everything. But to have to worry continuously about the safety of your stuff when you followed the guidelines? Now that is just a kick in the face. It would be like letting everyone build over your builds. It's just not cool.

    In my opinion, if you want the OP stuff, then get out there and earn it. Work your jobs, make the money and buy it. It really isn't all that hard to build up your funds. Just spend your money wisely. Set your goal and save for that, do not spend it on anything else. Go out there and hunt down mobs and get those drops and turn them into essences and in turn into bottles and in time you'll get that artifact bottle. Take your chance and open it or sell it and make more money.

    I see no reason to penalize people. because some want to do things the easy way.
    Duckiegames likes this.
  9. SirFartsAlot2001

    SirFartsAlot2001 New Member

    Sep 2, 2017
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    Whats the point of having a towny server if you literally don't even need a town to play it? False advertisement, might as well change it to a survival server. If you don't have the money to make a town then join one for the time being until you can get one. Wilderness shouldn't even be a thing if that's the reasoning to why chests shouldn't open. The entire server might as well be one big town. If you don't play it for months upon months and your town falls then that's your fault for not hopping on maybe once a week for 15 minutes to generate enough cash to keep your town up. With that logic I might as well not make a town and live in the wild because I will save much more money that way and no one can touch my house because if they do I just call an admin over to ban someone who was just walking through the wild and happened to stumble upon my house. Towny is about coming on and making cash to support your town and yourself. It shouldn't just be a game where you're patted on the back for being inactive.
  10. cutesheepo

    cutesheepo Supreme Leader

    Aug 25, 2017
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    The flaws in that logic:
    1. Towns are the populair option for play. Living in the wild is just an alternative.
    2. Wilderness exists because if the server was one big town, new players Who want to build towns don't have room (Exept in the End).
    3. Joining a town until you can afford one yourself is a common practise here.
    4. Raiding in the wild is allowed inside the guidelines. What follows is an exerpt from the rules.
    • Raiding is permitted in the WILD only, and considered to be anything where 10+ non raidable blocks have been broken. You can under no circumstances raid towns, even if their perms are on.

    • Raidable blocks include; coal, diamond, gold, emerald, iron, redstone, and lapis blocks, all ores, beacons, anvils, hoppers, mob spawners, player/mob heads, enchantment tables, crops, banners, shulker boxes, item frames, furnaces, end portals, and chests.
    5. People CAN touch Your House if they obey the rules listed above.
    6. If the server patted people on the back for being inactive, town tax wouldn't exist.
    7. A town has many more advantages over the wild, like:
    • Raiding isn't allowed.
    • A community which can help.
    • Protected buildings.
    • You can earn money with shops.
    • Etc.
    I hope this was helpful in understanding one of the most integral Parts of the server properly.
    User3051 likes this.
  11. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Put perfectly.
  12. User3051

    User3051 New Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    You're more then welcome to live in the wild if that's how you feel. The rules have always been as such, and are unlikely to change. I'm afraid by playing here, that's what you get. I've been here since 2014 and the vast majority of people enjoy the way in which things operate. You're among the minority of people who feel differently, and there's nothing wrong with the points you brought up. They're all valid, but this server specifically is not interested/about raiding/griefing. You're just going to have to accept and respect that if you wish to play here.
    CrazyDad543 likes this.
  13. Blazingwither22

    Aug 26, 2017
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    This is a bad idea. I took a 6 month or so break and came back to all my chests unlocked (lock clear glitch) and someone else had locked them. I lost all my stuff except what was on me and my pet. Totally not cool. Still trying to find my old base in the old world to I can get staff to unlock them for me. I was told at the time rose and Jordan were the only ones who could do it but rose was away. Staff said they would tell Jordan about it but I never got a response. Oh well me. I’ve worked hard to replace what I lost. I would hate to lose it all again because I took a break. Prime example is a ton of older players are making a return after 6 months, a year or longer. They would all have to start over and that would make them all leave the server. Not a wise choice

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