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Jobs Limit 100k Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Nikko, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. Nikko

    Nikko New Member

    Oct 9, 2017
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    So on this server, there is a 70k job cap per day. This means that someone with a decently leveled job can cap out in a few hours depending on their method of farming money. For some, a few hours is too much time and they rarely hit job cap, and for others, they do it daily and feel like it's not enough. After crunching some numbers, it would take roughly 3 months (or 94 days) of hitting job cap to hit max rank in the game. Assuming a person spends 3 hours hitting job cap per day, that's 376 hours of playtime, or 15 days of playtime doing nothing but farming. And by farming, I loosely mean whatever method of making money a person uses to hit job cap. For people willing to put in that much time and effort, it's definitely doable, however, it's still a massive amount of time dedicated to nothing but farming. I understand people have different methods of making money (shops, selling relics, etc) but that doesn't count for too much in the long run. I suggest a 100k job cap per day which would increase jobs earning per day roughly 43%.

    This new job cap would require a total of 65 days of hitting job cap, or 10 days of non-stop farming. Again, keep in mind this is for a person taking 4 hours a day to hit job cap because the hours required would be higher for a higher job cap. Even hitting job cap 65 days, not including other expenses such as towns, in-game items we buy, or any other such expenses, that is a lot of dedication for a player and only the most dedicated could achieve it.

    Thanks for reading!

    EDIT: If you'd like to check the math, the in-game combined cost of ranks is approximately $6,590,000, and if you plug in whatever amount of time you can hit job cap (70k) you can find the total amount of hours you need to farm. This doesn't change the fact it still takes 94 days of hitting job cap to hit max rank however, as the total hours farmed doesn't mean anything when compared to the static 70k limit.
    Duckiegames likes this.
  2. CrazyDad543

    CrazyDad543 Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    Awesome job with the math! I never hit job cap, but I think raising it abit sounds good.
    Nikko and Duckiegames like this.
  3. Panda

    Panda A bored member

    Aug 25, 2017
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    that math blew my mind
  4. mosabsomaer

    mosabsomaer Member

    Aug 25, 2017
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  5. DaemonBeel

    DaemonBeel The Honorable Prime Minister of Rainbow

    Aug 25, 2017
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    I would like to say I like the idea since it has a lot of Pros but consequently, there will be a lot of Cons as well. It will reward the players who work hard for the money but alt abuser and afk macroers will also gain an advantage. It's a delicate subject that requires further discussion. :)
  6. Nikko

    Nikko New Member

    Oct 9, 2017
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    They wouldn't gain any more advantage than they already have. They'd just make more money with the rest of the people, so it's really just nullified.
  7. YMF

    YMF Active Member

    Nov 3, 2017
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    Nice idea, however I never hit the job cap, it might also get the economy which is very nice now, pretty bad.

    Like you get 200k in 2 days, that's insane, 140k already is in my eyes.

    Good idea, but we should look into the positive, and negative effects.
  8. Aflakk

    Aflakk Member

    Aug 24, 2017
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    Personally, I'm all for having more money, but there's already many ways to pass the jobs limit if you're that dedicated to 'farming' with /warp sell. I'll use me for example.

    My current potato farm gives me around 15.5k/harvest as farmer and yields over 62 chests full, which, if I chose to, I could sell at /warp sell for 31k, which is double what I make from my job. Doing this, I'd job cap in 5 hours, as I harvest once an hour to give time to regrow, and make around 225k doing so (70k - jobs, 155k - /warp sell). I don't do this because I instead use my potato's for chef job, letting me reach job cap in only 1 hour, which'll net me 350k for 5 hours of work, but it's spread over 5 job limits instead of all at once. I'm giving up on the increased money/day for an increased jobs cap speed as I don't want to spend hours a day on Minecraft since I have work and other things to do.

    I feel like this increase in jobs limit will just add to a more stale/inflated economy, as people like me who simply log on only to jobs cap will just end up getting more money that sits there, and the players who sell higher end items will charge a bit more as players are able to get more money/day.

    I get that your post is essentially about shortening the time it takes to reach Emperor solely from jobs capping (which, your 94 days is actually wrong, since the 'daily' limit is actually a 19 hour limit, meaning you can reach it in 75 days if you no-life it, but I digress), but there are already methods in-game to greatly shorten the time it takes to reach that final rank.
    mosabsomaer and Drkunit like this.
  9. Laggy

    Laggy Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Well raising the job cap to 100k would be kinda unfair.
    I'm probably repeating what others said but laggy players such as me can't break a block without timing out (0.06 mbps when i'm unlucky/ 1 when i am) and people with automatic spawner chef grinders will be able to afk all day and make 100k without doing anything at all.
    I think the job cap is OK as it is
  10. Blazingwither22

    Aug 26, 2017
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    I think the 100k is fair. For miners with a high eff pic (enemies a god pic) you job cap so quickly and than there really isn’t anything left to do cause you can’t earn money. Between my 3 jobs I job capped in 2 hours with my god pic. I logged off cause there was nothing else for me to do. Make it a little more challenging
  11. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    Going to bump this as well. It's something that should seriously be looked into.

    Once you get to be a high level in certain jobs, making the job cap is something that can be done in the span of a few hours. A max level miner with a god pick can hit job cap in roughly 2-4 hours just from mining depending on how much they grind it. If you're someone like myself who is not only a high level miner with a god pick; but is also high level in farmer/chef jobs you can hit job cap easily in 2-3 hours.
  12. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    This has been suggested before and was decided amongst higher staff that this would be too over powered.
  13. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    I personally fail to see how a 20-30K increase to the jobcap would be overpowered enough to markedly affect anything save player retention rate. It's not a drastic alteration to server economy like how a huge increase or even removal of the job cap would be. It's only a slight raise to give players something more to do and a little more to work towards.

    You say it was decided amongst higher staff but I think this is something that really should be decided by the playerbase instead. Put it as a question or a poll to the players; if they vote largely in favor of it, implement it, and vice versa. As painful as it is to hear and realize; sometimes server staff don't know best when it comes to matters like this that involve the playerbase.
  14. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Considering we had a player who alt abused and even though they were only making 20-30k extra a day there balance increased dramatically more than standard job cap
  15. JDawg

    JDawg Resident Troll

    Sep 25, 2017
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    The issue now is that you're attempting to correlate and connect two completely separate issues which simply can't be correlated to each other in any meaningful way. We're talking about raising the jobcap here; not alt-abuse.

    Yes, the player was able to bypass the jobcap through alt abusing. That is obviously an issue; but it's an issue that will be able to continue no matter what the jobcap could potentiallybe raised to. So long as either A) a jobcap is in place on the server, or, B) alts are allowed on the server; there will always exist the possibility that someone could bypass the jobcap through use of said alt accounts.

    That is a problem fundamental to allowing alts on the server; not a problem relating to, or a valid reason against, raising the jobcap. It's a completely separate issue of its own. As such, it simply has no bearing in a discussion about potentially raising the jobcap.
    Duckiegames likes this.
  16. Kee

    Kee Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2017
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    Suggestion reviewed

    Already discussed previously and decided against the suggestion

    Thread locked
    Duckiegames likes this.
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